
This strip evolved from a conversation about the bible I had with a classmate. He said that God's presentation to Adam of various animals was an example of sexism in the bible, since the eventual companion would be a woman. He argued that this compared women to livestock and that opinion is reflected in Adam's statement from the comic strip.

I agreed with him, but also said that an inference like that might be a result of looking too much into the story. It is valid feminist criticism, but is an offending intent really present? This position is reflected in God's innocently confused question, which was the quip I came out with during the conversation with my friend.

I realized that this strip could be offensive to religious people (who might erroneusly believe I was making a crack about beastiality) and might cause people to misinterpret God's comment as support OF an anti-feminist view on my part. The punchline is meant to be Adam's reaction to God's comment, not the comment itself.

There was no question about publishing the cartoon, out of pride and because I owed it to someone.

Anyway, my fears seemed to be unfounded. I didn't receive any complaints.

Melanie's Car

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