Elizabeth Domingo
Welcome to Beth's Personal Homepage


I'm Beth and I'm from the Philippines. I'm twenty three years old. I'm turning twenty four by the 24th of July. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Mathematics in De La Salle University. Currently I work part time as an assistant to one of the heads of a Hospital Institution.

This site will contain stuff about me and my friends. My obsessions, and some links i go to now and then. I also make icons and banners on my free time so there'll be images you can drop by to.

Home || About Me || Journal || Obsessions || Links || Images
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  • Home inspectors directory: inspectionfinders.net
  • Photographers directory: photographerfinders.net
  • Realtors directory: realtorfinders.net
  • Seo firms directory: seofinders.net
  • Web design directory: webdesignfinders.net
  • Web hosters director: webhostingfinders.net
Elizabeth T. Domingo
E-mail: beth_domingo@yahoo.com