Today's Greatest Adventure

Nightingale-Conant Corp

If we want to achieve our goals, we must make today and tomorrow count. We must use each day to achieve something. Each day is a step on our ladder of achievement. We must set goals that we want to achieve each and every day. Look to achieve today's goals today. Don't start looking down the road too far. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built one day at a time. You must have a major goal, a technology plan, or new lesson plan.

We must take each day and list what we want to achieve. Write down what you want to do today and give it a priority. Make a list of several goals you must accomplish in order to reach your major goal. Work to complete each goal in order. If they aren't all completed by the end of the day, then place them on the list for tomorrow. Don't let yourself get distracted away from completing your goals. Yes, some unexpected activities will come up, and sometimes we don't get everything done that we want.

Break the technology plan down into manageable goals, assign these goals to the committee in an order that they can readily accomplish them. Before long, the plan will be completed.