I am deeply sorry. I have not been able to accept applications for my award for quite some time. I have not had time to correct this mistake and inform others that I am not able to give this award out anymore. Of all things related to my page, this makes me the saddest. I think that besides the murder mystery that I hosted a while back, this award has contributed to the success of this page. I am deeply saddened that I cannot continue with this award. However, if there be a time in the future where I can again devote my time to this page, then I will gladly accept applications for this award once again.

Face contributed from
Icons by Goff

Finally, an award that gives recognition to those pathetic sites that have no significance to this world whatsoever! Are you tired of searching and searching the net for someone dumb enough to give your terrible site an award. Well look no furthur, you have found it!

To win this award, you must meat some of the following requirements:
1. Your site is so rotten that it looks and smells like spoiled milk discarded by a nice lady from New York in 1977.
2. Your page stinks so bad that you can use it as a weapon against our enemy in our next war.
3. You haven't cleaned your house since the day the old lady discarded that milk.
4. You realized that your page bites and so you tried to make it look better by adding a bunch of graphics, so many in fact that they clutter your page to the point where it looks like a big black cloud.
5. Your site is so dumb that my pet fish could create a much better page.
6. I visit your site and it makes me want to cry out for mercy.

If you meet any of these requirements then you are eligible for the Absolutely Meaningless Site Award. I don't expect you to have enough intelligence to give me reasons why you believe you qualify for this award, just e-mail me your name and your page's URL and I will find it out for myself. I will let you know by e-mail if you were dumb enough to win this award.

On a serious note, you will not recieve this award if your page contains pornography or links to pornography. If your site does contain such material, then I agree it is a very meaningless site, but it will not recieve this award.




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