Welcome to my web page. You've hit the index page (gee, imagine that). Just go ahead and find which ever link you want to look at and enjoy!
Click here if you'd like to get to know me better, also if you want to see pictures of me, this is the way!
Want to find out some cool stuff about different animals? Well you can go here, and see a bunch of them and you might even learn something too!
Here's some more animal info. One of these days i'll link these two together.
If you need some humor, this is defintely where you want to go.....Check it out, i'm always adding new stuff.
How pure are you? Want to find out? Check out here, I plan on putting many more tests up, so keep watching, and keep track at how you do!
Here's my poetry part. I write a lot, so you might want to check here often (hehehe, I say that a lot don't I?) But there really is a lot. Enjoy, and I always like feedback on it.
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