Welcome to my Guestbook!

dana scally - 12/27/00 03:39:31
My Email:sweet_as_cinimmon@yahoo.com

it is good

josh - 12/14/00 17:21:55
My Email:joprisa@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Maryvale High School, Phx. Az.
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: there is something rotten in the state of Denmark
Comments: wow


don't have one - 11/29/00 03:09:27
Point of Origin: shh, I don't know
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I don't read
Comments: Scully and Dogget LOVE EACH OTHER!

I just whant to let ya know, that I've become a Scully/Dogget shipper, I may be the only one, but'em, who relly gives a @#$%.

don't have one - 11/29/00 03:09:10
Point of Origin: shh, I don't know
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I don't read
Comments: Scully and Dogget LOVE EACH OTHER!

I just whant to let ya know, that I've become a Scully/Dogget shipper, I may be the only one, but'em, who relly gives a @#$%.

Tiffani - 11/15/00 21:55:15
My URL:http://www.liespeopletell.com
My Email:Tiffani@liespeopletell.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: what light through yander window breaks..it is the east and juliet is the sun
Comments: way to go!

Great site! You'll love the secret stories, secret pictures and free private e-mail over at http://www.liespeopletell.com -- check it out!

christa - 11/14/00 07:55:08
My Email:christhreeann@lovemail.com

The X-Files is my fave series! But why should David quit? It's not the same anymore without MULDER!

catherine martin - 10/14/00 21:24:12
My Email:catherine.martin1@ntlworld.com
Point of Origin: scotland
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: hubble bubble toil and trouble

there has never been a show like the x files and never will be, both mulder and scully are fab. i have never missed an episode and was gutted at mulder being abducted

Lawcodename - 10/14/00 18:28:32
My URL:/lawcodename
My Email:lawcodename@yahoo.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


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yorugua - 10/10/00 21:32:07

My URL:http://www.urbn.com


hi!! I'm huge fan for Urban Outfittres. Just want to let you know,their Online shop came out,you should check out .it has the hottest clothes online !! cute tees, foxy outfits , and tight accesories. many many cool fall,winter item!!just check out the site and see for yourself :o) http://www.urbn.com

Ainoyume - 10/05/00 11:56:39
My URL:/ainoyume1982/index.html
My Email:Ainoyume1982@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Germany
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: o.0 What the hell does that mean? Be or not to be... uahh... I don't know Shakespeare in English!!!
Comments: Look to my Fanfiction Homepage! (See above for the URL. With fanfic of "Voyager", "The Net series" and "X-Files"!!

A very great page! I love the fanfiction! I've never read better ones!

Ulf Claesson - 09/26/00 18:39:34
My Email:greatattractor@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Sweden
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I wish I had invented The X Files
Comments: He was right

Hi there. I am a 43 year ols sci-fi and horror fan who has been absolutely brainwashed by 1) the show to which this site is dedicated, and 2) the madly overblown reactions (by some fans) to Bob Patricks entrance into the show (which I think is little less than a god-send, considering the fact that any show must get new blood into its system, or wither and die. Granted, the show has declined somewhat over seaons 5-7 (the latter of which I've only seen 9 episodes so far. HUNGRY was on yesterday. I never thought they could made an episode worse than CHINGA. I was wrong) but the show still produces some amazing episodes. I have written capsule reviews of every episode, of which some might be interested. I'll be back, if you want me to. Have a h

Ana Scully - 09/26/00 17:37:58
My Email:blur_parklife@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Brazil
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: What?
Comments: The truth is out there

hi!!! I love x files and I like your site so much!!! kisses Ana

prueba - 09/14/00 20:42:20
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!Yo Voto! Y ud?¿

prueba - 09/14/00 20:38:34
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!Voto

prueba - 09/14/00 20:36:26
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!

Kira-Lee Hall - 08/17/00 03:29:16
My Email:kizza_grayson2000@yahoo.com.au
Point of Origin: Morphett Vale, South Australia, Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romeo, Romeo, where fore art thou Romeo?

I think that the X-FILES site is one of the best I've seen yet.

Erin - 08/06/00 05:29:19
My Email:erin_rose182@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: New York
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: What fools these mortals be.

I only discovered X-Files fan fiction about a year and a half ago although I have watched it from the first season. Your site is one of the best I have found, in that it has archived some of the best stories I have read in my all too brief experience as lover of fan fic. However. more updates, please.

MARINNA - 08/05/00 17:08:12
My Email:marinnamir@hotmail
Point of Origin: spain
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: I like

I like very much this page, is the first time I visit, and I shoked, because I don´t know it will be so fantastic. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Sorry for my english.

Whitney - 07/10/00 17:52:55
My URL:http://thexfilesshipperlounge.homestead.com/Xfiles.html
My Email:xfileschic_42@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Superior
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be, that is the question

Hi, great site! FOX has no right to shut down our x sites. Who cares if we use some of there stuff, they get enough publicity the way it is! All we want if for people to visit our sites for a change. I don't think it's gonna hurt there billion dollar orporation if we copy/paste some of our ideas!! They need to get a life!

Ishara - 07/07/00 17:19:26
My Email:ishijay@lanka.ccom.lk
Point of Origin: The Odyssey
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: life is but a walking shadow that struts and......i forget but it was an evocative comment
Comments: Is big brother watching me tell him hi and tell him that he is getting too biblical for his own good and that he isn't the only person watching but that Michael and the guys are too !

This site is a really exquisite site in simplicity and amazing fictious origin . very innovative and ingenuine.

udara jay - 07/06/00 12:52:47
My Email:don't have one yet
Point of Origin: mars
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: what's in a name?
Comments: trust no one

your website is x-trodinary....cool stuff scully+mulder forever x files rulz the truth is out there i want to believe fight the future

Jo - 07/06/00 00:43:59
My URL:http://www.powercom.com.au
My Email:punky@powercom.com.au
Point of Origin: Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To beor not to be that is the question

Hi Wendy, I was just searching the web to see if the X_Files are going to continue after season 7. I've been a fan from season one and have every video I can get my hands on. I would have been extremely dissapointed if season 7 was the end as it is the only t.v sho i make sure i'm home to see. I've never been so adicted to one t.v show. Can you find out for me if there is going to be a season 8. Thanks Jo.

Lorraine Johnson - 07/03/00 19:45:07
My Email:cdjlbj@gateway.net
Point of Origin: Missouri
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Comments: Glad I found you! !

Your WEB SITE is informative, organized and your composition of the X-FILES is super. Thank you for making me feel at home.

Carlette van Andel - 06/29/00 11:15:26
My Email:mopperkontje@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: The Netherlands
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I'll have to get back on that one,'cause I'll have to check my english literature book
Comments: This site is just great!!!

Hi, This x-files site is so great!! I'm actually addicted to it. Everytime i'm on the internet, I just have to drop by, and read a story, they are all so good. I just wanted to compliment you, and say to you: Keep up the good work!!! bye, Carlette van Andel (From the Netherlands)

dks916 - 06/16/00 06:45:51
My URL:/dks916
My Email:dks916@yahoo.com

great site!

mariñas,jinky c. - 06/14/00 02:17:43
My Email:jinky_maru@yahoo.com

your the greatest. e-mail me some time...

Dana K. Scully (no personal info online; my privacy policy.) - 06/11/00 17:19:42
My URL:/dana_katherine_scully64/newfanfic.html
My Email:Celine_Marie_Dion@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Massachusetts
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I LOVE YOUR SITE!! I read a lot of FanFic, and I have found, by far, the most interesting stories on your site. Thanx for keeping it maintained so well!

Gabor Horvath - 06/06/00 15:47:47
My Email:GaborHorvath@TheSearchCompany.com
Point of Origin: Toronto
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day and all our yesterdays light fools the way to dusty death...

I'm sure I totally screwed up that quote, but it is my favourite. I only have a sec. but I wanted to drop you a line. Your thoughts appear to share the same space as mine. Amazing. Nice sight. Good quotes - you have a gentle, inteligent sense of humo r. I'll be back when I have some more time...

Mishka - 05/24/00 00:45:51
My Email:Peachy_Angel_Nat@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: I love x-files (i'm a freak)
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: ???
Comments: OK!

Well i just wanted to say that i love the x-files and i totaly beleive in aliens and well i think that they are cool and if we don't bug them they won't bug us but in the x-files it's different.hehe...Mulder and Scully can bug them as much as they want it s their show so..ya well anyways..got to jet so...bye bye..

Javerya - 04/30/00 12:29:57
My Email:jiya@email.com
Point of Origin: pakistan

I love X files.i love moulder and scully...they both are good actors and i never miss a single episode of The X files...coz it is really fun to watch this program and im die heart fan of david duchovny.

- 04/29/00 19:58:16


m.hamid - 04/17/00 10:11:17
Point of Origin: england
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: music is the fruit of love


nanik rahayu - 04/13/00 01:24:21
My Email:nanik@gurlmail.com

great i love x- files and thanx for having this website it is fun

Dale Sebourn - 04/12/00 19:50:20
My Email:sebournd@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Alabama

My son-in-law was a guest star in "The Fatsucker".I can't find the X File show listed anywhere. Do you know anything?

jolanda - 04/09/00 13:06:42
My Email:jvdhoorn@freemail.nl
Point of Origin: holland

I'm a big fan of the x files and i want to thank you for all the information. Thanks! Jolanda

- 04/02/00 02:20:34


newyorkers - 03/21/00 22:00:14
My URL:http://www.nyc.myweb.nl
My Email:newyorkers@nyc.myweb.nl
Point of Origin: The Netherlands
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To be or not to be
Comments: Love The X-Files !!

Great site !! Keep up the good work .

Anita S. Edwards - 03/20/00 20:32:32
My Email:ctanitas@yahoo.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: Computer class assignment.

Using the SouthWestern Educatonal Publishing-textbook - Internet Concepts & Activities for classroon use.

Jamie Steele - 03/20/00 18:16:04
My Email:Nytef75@flash.net
Point of Origin: ????
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts...
Comments: Killer website!

I just love this web-site! I, too, am a X-File FREAK. Never missed one episode--never have, never will--and as an the biggest X-File fan in the world and for all your web-site fans throughout the entire country, YOUR WEB-SITE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

inna - 03/15/00 15:04:15
My URL:http://amalteia.newmail.ru
My Email:amalteia@newmail.ru


D. Do9uglass - 03/02/00 17:09:01
My Email:DhdVA@Aol.com

Just looking at your information. need more advocates around the world to help with disabled in the workforce to teach the business/organization to work with the disabled not put them in cleaning work only.... Thank you.

Michelle - 02/26/00 13:03:57
My Email:mrohan88@esatclear.ie
Point of Origin: Ireland
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "To Be Or Not To Be"
Comments: Great Site


Megan Wilde - 02/17/00 22:00:58
My Email:Wguns@Allwest.net
Point of Origin: Utah
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Where for art thou Romeo?
Comments: Great Site

I really enjoyed your site. I like the paranormal and your site was a great example of it. Thank you for the fun I had on your site. Megan

Lorri - 02/12/00 20:30:20
My Email:Boomboom23@aol.com
Point of Origin: beyond the sea
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: hath, ye, thou etc
Comments: tis OK

u need pictures and longer reviews for each episode

Kerry Dennis - 01/28/00 08:58:10
My Email://
Point of Origin: England/birmingham
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romio ,Romio
Comments: x.files is the best


Khorne - 01/26/00 08:03:20
My Email:khorne@cyberlink.bc.ca

Well, we're in the short strokes people. In one way or another, the X-Files we all love will come to an end with the ending of this season. Whether David Duchovny simply leaves, allowing the rest to continue for another season (Gillian Anderson still ha a year on her contract), this being the option I prefer, or if the whole thing simply wraps up and gets ready for a film series, it's all over once this season's done. I'm sure I'm like the rest of the X-Files fan out there. I've been waiting seven seasons to see some things, and by God I'd like to have them crammed in before the series is up. Maybe I'm too late, and should have started beating the drums of war two ye rs ago, but better late than never. I urge the reader to consider the options I've laid out below, and to make the powers that be aware that you, like I, would like to see some of these things. Of course, if you disagree with what I've laid out, but the e is something you would like to see that isn't here, let all and sundry know, too. -the X-Files meets H. P. Lovecraft. Many of ol' H.P.'s stories could easily be used as plots for X-Files episodes, especially his later, and more famous, Cthulhu Mythos stories. If they thought that the Syndicate and it's deal with the Greys was a deadl conspiracy, wait ‘til they meet the Cthulhu or Yog-Sothoth cults. I'd give my right arm to see Mulder and Scully knock heads with the Whatelys of Dunwich, or old Joseph Curwen of Providence. Mulder and Scully could visit Arkham, Dunwich, Kingsport, or nnsmouth, confront the Cthulhu cult, investigate the Fungi From Yuggoth, or any number of things. Given the series ongoing use of aliens, the Fungi From Yuggoth and Elder Things are naturals for an X-Files episode. The characters from the X-Files could ollow up the events described in one of Lovecraft's stories, with a follow up investigation to the Dunwich Horror being the most obvious. Alternately, one of Lovecraft's stories could be updated to the 2000's, with Mulder and Scully as the chief characte s. -"Halloween", "Friday the 13th", or "A Nightmare On Elm Street" X-Files style. Come on! Who of you out there haven't wanted to see the X-Files' version of these classic thrillers, or better yet, Mulder and Scully butt heads with the likes of Michael Mye s, Jason Voorhees, or Fred Kruger? It would be thrilling, we'd get to see our heroes in full-blown FBI mode stopping a mass murderer, and we'd have the paranormal/ supernatural. "Scream" could be folded in, too, since the FBI handles serial killers. -the Blair Witch. Even Time Magazine wants to see this one. Artisan Films and Oni Press have established a back story for the Blair Witch, detailing past encounters with it, and other investigations into just what's going on in the woods of Frederick Co nty, Maryland. We've had Mulder and Scully in these types of situations before ("Ice", "Darkness Falls", "Quagmire" etc). Let's see the last two Big Things together. I'd even settle for a version of the Blair Witch, where the crucial elements of the fi m are moved somewhere else, and the spook has a different name. -the X-Files in Canada. Bring ‘em up here. Canada has lots of superstitions, legends, and shady government antics that could form grist for an X-Files episode or nine. As an RCMP officer, I know that the FBI and RCMP consult an awful lot, and an arrang ment exists for the RCMP to make use of FBI personnel and resources. If nothing else, an investigation into terrorist activities could get Mulder and Scully north of the 49th, and after that, the story would write itself. -a cannibal. The X-Files draws heavily on the version of the FBI featured in "The Silence of the Lambs". Gillian Anderson is widely considered the most logical replacement for Jodi Foster in the third Hannibal Lecter movie, "Hannibal", now that Ms. Fost r has passed on reprising her role of Clarice Starling. Let's use the opportunity to throw our heroes against this, the most diabolical of killers. Of course, an X-Files cannibal would be something altogether more ferocious than the good Dr. Lecter. Th wendigo tradition of the Algonquin Indians or H. P. Lovecraft's cannibalistic characters could serve as the jumping off point, and would produce a superhuman hunter of humans worthy of Mulder and Scully. -a medical thriller. Enough episodes have been driven by Mulder's manias. Let's see Scully's background make one go. There is a fine tradition of medical thrillers that would proudly count an X-Files episode among their number. Let's not forget, Scull is a medical doctor. She simply joined the FBI instead of going into practice. She had to do a medical residency somewhere, and that hospital could serve as the setting for a medical thriller. You might even dovetail the Syndicate's actions into this tory, since their gene-splicing experiments have to take place somewhere, too. -Fortean phenomena. We've seen everything else drive episodes: an alien conspiracy, government duplicity, religious themes, popular culture, menaces made up from whole cloth by the writers, and even self-parodies. The one thing that hasn't been used to nspire an episode has been the writings of Charles Fort, which could easily inspire an X-Files episode. -the men in black. I don't mean Governor Ventura and Alex Trebec, or Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones here. I mean the full on, UFO specters, the men in black. Like the Cthulhu cult, the men in black would make the Syndicate look like a ladies bridge clu . We've seen just about every other facet of the UFO phenomena used as grist for stories. Let's see the men in black. -bigfoot. I made a mistake when I said that everything but Fortean phenomena had been used as grist for a story. Bigfoot, in some way, shape, or form, hasn't reared his hairy head yet, either. Don't you think he should before the X-Files bows out? -some non-alien conspiracies. We've got the solution to the JFK hit in the X-Files world (Cigarette Smoking Man did it UNDER the Grassy Knoll) but let's see some other conspiracies tackled, like the Jim Morrison or Karen Silkwood questions. MK-ULTRA was mentioned in "Jose Chung's From Outer Space". Let's see the X-Files take it on. What about Jack the Ripper or the whole Inslaw/ Danny Casolaro/ October Surprise affair, the Octopus? In the X-Files comic book, Mulder and Scully met St. Germaine. One of the explanations for the Jack the Ripper killings was that they served as an occult path to immortality. I'd give my other arm to see Mulder and Scully beat down with Saucy Jack in a modern city. -Frankenstein. This could be part of out medical thriller focusing on Scully, or not. We've had versions of most of the classic Universal movie monsters: the wolf man in "Shapes", vampires in "3", the creature from the Black Lagoon (sort of) in "the Hos ", but no X-Files take on Victor Frankenstein's Modern Prometheus. Maybe we should see it before the X-Files ends. This story could be built around organ donation, or the urban legend of organ thieves. - a final resolution to the Samantha Mulder saga. Even if we get none of these things, I'd desperately like to see the entire Samantha Mulder issue resolved. Not only would it be a nice favor to all us die hard fans who have stuck with the series all th s time, but it would allow the proposed post-network TV film series to start semi-fresh. They could slough off most of the baggage of the television series and tell newer stories in the films. The X-Files film failed because it tried to be too involved ith the Syndicate and the ongoing conspiracy. It was a long episode. The best episodes of the X-Files, and the ones that bring new people in to the series, have absolutely nothing to do with the conspiracy. If the films are to bring in new fans, they h ve to move away from the conspiracy, and a resolution of the Samantha Mulder issue would nicely tie things up, allowing Tenthirteen Productions to do just that. As I said, if we die hard fans want to see those few interesting things in the remaining X-Files episodes, we have to act now, while there's still some time. I urge everyone, even those who think I've got a space for rent sign on my forehead and my head irmly up my behind, who loves the X-Files to speak up. Get in touch with the people who make the X-Files at Tenthirteen and Fox. Tell them how we'd like to see the series end. It's up to us.

- 01/23/00 12:54:37


Tigress35 - 01/06/00 23:24:29
My URL:http://www.tig-tv.com/X-Files/
My Email:tigress35@tig-tv.com
Point of Origin: Saturn


2shy - 12/18/99 20:58:55
My Email:i_believe51@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Illinois
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Parting is such sweet sorrow

Ok like I'm all freaked out that this is the last season what am I going to do! Well I got all the episodes on tape except 6 of them so I'm semi OK. Well I don't feel in my heart that Mulder and Scully are going to get together by the end of the season bu I heard another movie is com'in out in 2001 or 2002. If they do get together it probably won't be until then. I just wanted to say the x-files kicks ass!!!

jill miller - 12/18/99 20:46:27
My Email:i_believe51@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Illinois
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: A plague on both your houses

I love the x-files it's like the best show ever. A first I thought Mulder and Scully shouldn't get together you know,like it would ruin the show, but now I'm not so sure. To me whenever they look at eachother a certain way it's just as good as them kissi g. I like the x-files just how it is now. They gave us the new years kiss and that was enough for me. I love the Mulder & Scully relationship, especially since that bitch Fowly is supposedly dead!

Crystal Anderson - 12/15/99 00:44:59
My Email:cga_pornstar@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: michigan
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "to be or not to be that is the question"
Comments: i love x files

your page is stylin' and it is very cool xfiles are super fly

Niki - 11/29/99 03:13:10
My Email:niki_zullig@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: 'A rose by anyother name would smell as sweet'

I just got done watching the X-Files. I'm in shock. Chris Carter actually let them kiss! I am so happy right now. The only problem was I missed what Mulder said right after the kiss? Can anyone help me here? Its driving me insane.

bugaboo854 - 11/23/99 23:27:43
Point of Origin: Washington

hey all i heard that this is the last year of the xfiles cuz davids contract runs out!!!!!i hope m&s get together before it ends so chris carter if your read this put them together

bugaboo854 - 11/23/99 23:24:04
Point of Origin: Washington

hey all i heard that this is the last year of the xfiles cuz davids contract runs out!!!!!

Victoria Proudfoot (Scully and Gillian to my friends) - 11/13/99 11:05:27
My Email:andyproudfoot@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: County Durham, England
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "She would create a light so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night" (or something very similar) Romeo and Juliet

When it comes to the Mulder/Scully relationship I can get quite worked up, and here is why: From day one Chris Carter said that Mulder and Scully would never become romantically involved. Understandable. Yet he has allowed things to happen such as: holdin hands, almost kissing each other, saying that they love each other. Worst of all, by the end of the film he has made it so that they have both "forgotten" about wanting to kiss each other and expects the viewers to accept that "normal" people, of which M lder and Scully are, act that way, which they do not. AND by the beginning of season six Mulder is back making goo-goo eyes at that bitch Diana Fowley as if he feels nothing for Scully. Wake up Chris Carter and realise that when you allow things to happen you have to make the events that proceed them believeable. So, do I think Mulder and Scully should get together? (I hope you are listening Chris) YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron Blackard - 11/05/99 16:52:08
My Email:blackard_2@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To be or not to be, that is the question
Comments: X-files rules


lolly pop - 10/30/99 04:19:16
My Email:not sayin'
Point of Origin: melbourne
Comments: x-files rule

great site! i dont usually like fanfics but yours are fantastic. i hope you can get some more fanfics for your site. i give your site 10/10 keep up the good work

lolly pop - 10/30/99 04:19:15
My Email:not sayin'
Point of Origin: melbourne
Comments: x-files rule

great site! i dont usually like fanfics but yours are fantastic. i hope you can get some more fanfics for your site. i give your site 10/10 keep up the good work

È¿°æ - 10/27/99 11:09:00


Prozac - 10/26/99 00:21:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/nikill/frames.html
My Email:exlax@home.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: ummmm

Does anyone know where you can either buy X-Files episodes (VHS or DVD) or find ripped (computer encoded) episodes like in .dat or .mpg. PLEASE E-Mail me at exlax@home.com if you have any information at all!!! Thanks! X-Files RULE...

rebecca - 10/12/99 09:53:27
My Email:beckhoy@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: sydney
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be, our not to be

I thouht our sit was unreal

Colleen - 09/24/99 13:28:53
My Email:hillerupc@globalserve.net
Point of Origin: Toronto
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women only players..."

Chris Owens will be at the Primedia convention Oct 22-24, 1999. Info is at www.interlog.com/~kcozens/primedia Not really a comment on the show, except that I'm excited by the prospect of meeting him.

pam hughes - 09/23/99 12:00:50
My URL:http://pamthughes
My Email:@hotmail:yahoo.com.
Point of Origin: liverpool england

what are we to do when x-files finishes

graeme - 09/15/99 09:40:26
My Email:megakiller01@yahoo.co.uk
Point of Origin: home of fish & chips ENGLAND
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be

this website is cool and the britsh are kings of the world who are wacthing you

Jemima - 09/12/99 08:59:02
My Email:lillyth_86@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Perth, Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: If though has offended, think not this and all is mended

What is it with every X-Files episode guide?? It always end around "Monday"! Even the official site ends around then. Can you please tell me why this is?

Kate - 09/09/99 18:14:26
My Email:poe1013@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Chicago
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "And yet, by Heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare."


Jackie Reilly - 09/09/99 12:53:27
My Email:earonrose@yahoo
Point of Origin: Castlemilk
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romeo where ow thart romeo

|Hope we get a new series soon. I think this is one of the best shows produced.

Amy - 09/05/99 23:19:33
Point of Origin: US
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I love the play "Antony and Cleopatra"!
Comments: May love triumph!!!

I am a tough skeptic on the outside, but a vunerable romantic on the inside!

Kate - 08/28/99 13:32:04
My Email:K8.les@usa.net
Point of Origin: New Zealand
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: 'All the worlds a stage...', 'a rose by any other name...', '... Juliet is my sun.', 'Antony and Cleopatra'(the entire play)

Love this site, but how on earth am I expected to choose a fave line from Shakespeare?? It's like being allowed only 1 fave X-Files episode!!

adrian alvin roy - 08/27/99 10:30:07
My Email:ketuakpg@hotmail.com

i like if mulder and scully have sex while working.

Vicky - 08/19/99 19:35:06
Comments: So cool

I love your quote. The beggining one. I also believe this and I am really happy that other 'shippers' believe this too.

Erina - 07/28/99 17:57:52
My Email:ee_link@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Ind
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Hamlet
Comments: More pic


alicia terpstra - 07/17/99 23:42:52
My Email:bluebuddha@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: IN, USA
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Out damn spot, out!
Comments: that really is a line from Shakespeare

I love your site, it was one of the first ones i ever visited. I love how it is well kept and has great fanfic.

Rhianna - 07/16/99 23:34:01
My URL:/Hollywood/Highrise/2352/index.html
My Email:Superstar728@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: AlaSKA
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate.
Comments: What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Look's like good hard computer work..heh.

Millennium Porkchop - 07/14/99 08:42:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/howwillitend/index.html
My Email:millenniumporkchop@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Australia

Nice site

Millennium Porkchop - 07/14/99 08:40:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/howwillitend/index.html
My Email:millenniumporkchop@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Australia

Nice site

Foxy11814 - 07/07/99 19:40:27
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/foxy11814/
My Email:foxy11814@netscape.net

I loved you website. I can't get enough of 'shipper X-File websites. Thanks a lot!!!!

jonathan feldman - 07/06/99 13:40:37
My Email:jonfeld@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: argentina
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: the x-files is the best

i love the x-files. keep on working that way

dana - 07/05/99 19:51:54


damian valrath - 07/04/99 01:05:55
My Email:damianv66@aol.com
Point of Origin: u.s
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: herasheo i knew him well
Comments: i like your page all around so far


PAUL G - 06/30/99 15:06:15
Point of Origin: LONDON


Leah Phillips - 06/17/99 11:51:20
Point of Origin: ENGLAND
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be, or not to be
Comments: I luv the x-files-especially dave duchovny

Hi Write to me Mulder and Scully make a really cute couple

Paige Dehen - 06/16/99 19:29:24
My Email:noteworthy60@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "Juliet is the sun"
Comments: This is cool


Rene - 06/12/99 15:22:36
My URL:http://reneb.com


- 06/11/99 22:16:40


Sarah - 06/08/99 19:35:41
My Email:GillianD86@aol.com
Point of Origin: Vegas
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Above all else to thine own sekf be true.

Very nice X-Files page, you had all the episodes and not only that you had links to other peoples opinions and to Sarah's Reviews.

Sidney Doyle - 05/19/99 14:24:35
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/oxford/10/index.html
My Email:v_sidney@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: ***Nil***
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: The Hamlet~
Comments: Quite gd%Interestin


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mimi - 10/06/00 18:01:15
My URL:http://www.urbn.com


hi!! I'm huge fan for Urban Outfittres. Just want to let you know,their Online shop came out,you should check out .it has the hottest clothes online !! cute tees, foxy outfits , and tight accesories. many many cool fall,winter item!!just check out the site and see for yourself :o) http://www.urbn.com

Ainoyume - 10/05/00 11:56:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ainoyume1982/index.html
My Email:Ainoyume1982@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Germany
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: o.0 What the hell does that mean? Be or not to be... uahh... I don't know Shakespeare in English!!!
Comments: Look to my Fanfiction Homepage! (See above for the URL. With fanfic of "Voyager", "The Net series" and "X-Files"!!

A very great page! I love the fanfiction! I've never read better ones!

Ulf Claesson - 09/26/00 18:39:34
My Email:greatattractor@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Sweden
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I wish I had invented The X Files
Comments: He was right

Hi there. I am a 43 year ols sci-fi and horror fan who has been absolutely brainwashed by 1) the show to which this site is dedicated, and 2) the madly overblown reactions (by some fans) to Bob Patricks entrance into the show (which I think is little less than a god-send, considering the fact that any show must get new blood into its system, or wither and die. Granted, the show has declined somewhat over seaons 5-7 (the latter of which I've only seen 9 episodes so far. HUNGRY was on yesterday. I never thought they could made an episode worse than CHINGA. I was wrong) but the show still produces some amazing episodes. I have written capsule reviews of every episode, of which some might be interested. I'll be back, if you want me to. Have a h

Ana Scully - 09/26/00 17:37:58
My Email:blur_parklife@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Brazil
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: What?
Comments: The truth is out there

hi!!! I love x files and I like your site so much!!! kisses Ana

prueba - 09/14/00 20:42:20
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!Yo Voto! Y ud?¿

prueba - 09/14/00 20:38:34
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!Voto

prueba - 09/14/00 20:36:26
Comments: gracias

Vote por el regreso de rufus!!

Kira-Lee Hall - 08/17/00 03:29:16
My Email:kizza_grayson2000@yahoo.com.au
Point of Origin: Morphett Vale, South Australia, Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romeo, Romeo, where fore art thou Romeo?

I think that the X-FILES site is one of the best I've seen yet.

Erin - 08/06/00 05:29:19
My Email:erin_rose182@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: New York
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: What fools these mortals be.

I only discovered X-Files fan fiction about a year and a half ago although I have watched it from the first season. Your site is one of the best I have found, in that it has archived some of the best stories I have read in my all too brief experience as lover of fan fic. However. more updates, please.

MARINNA - 08/05/00 17:08:12
My Email:marinnamir@hotmail
Point of Origin: spain
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: I like

I like very much this page, is the first time I visit, and I shoked, because I don´t know it will be so fantastic. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Sorry for my english.

Whitney - 07/10/00 17:52:55
My URL:http://thexfilesshipperlounge.homestead.com/Xfiles.html
My Email:xfileschic_42@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Superior
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be, that is the question

Hi, great site! FOX has no right to shut down our x sites. Who cares if we use some of there stuff, they get enough publicity the way it is! All we want if for people to visit our sites for a change. I don't think it's gonna hurt there billion dollar orporation if we copy/paste some of our ideas!! They need to get a life!

Ishara - 07/07/00 17:19:26
My Email:ishijay@lanka.ccom.lk
Point of Origin: The Odyssey
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: life is but a walking shadow that struts and......i forget but it was an evocative comment
Comments: Is big brother watching me tell him hi and tell him that he is getting too biblical for his own good and that he isn't the only person watching but that Michael and the guys are too !

This site is a really exquisite site in simplicity and amazing fictious origin . very innovative and ingenuine.

udara jay - 07/06/00 12:52:47
My Email:don't have one yet
Point of Origin: mars
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: what's in a name?
Comments: trust no one

your website is x-trodinary....cool stuff scully+mulder forever x files rulz the truth is out there i want to believe fight the future

Jo - 07/06/00 00:43:59
My URL:http://www.powercom.com.au
My Email:punky@powercom.com.au
Point of Origin: Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To beor not to be that is the question

Hi Wendy, I was just searching the web to see if the X_Files are going to continue after season 7. I've been a fan from season one and have every video I can get my hands on. I would have been extremely dissapointed if season 7 was the end as it is the only t.v sho i make sure i'm home to see. I've never been so adicted to one t.v show. Can you find out for me if there is going to be a season 8. Thanks Jo.

Lorraine Johnson - 07/03/00 19:45:07
My Email:cdjlbj@gateway.net
Point of Origin: Missouri
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Comments: Glad I found you! !

Your WEB SITE is informative, organized and your composition of the X-FILES is super. Thank you for making me feel at home.

Carlette van Andel - 06/29/00 11:15:26
My Email:mopperkontje@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: The Netherlands
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I'll have to get back on that one,'cause I'll have to check my english literature book
Comments: This site is just great!!!

Hi, This x-files site is so great!! I'm actually addicted to it. Everytime i'm on the internet, I just have to drop by, and read a story, they are all so good. I just wanted to compliment you, and say to you: Keep up the good work!!! bye, Carlette van Andel (From the Netherlands)

dks916 - 06/16/00 06:45:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dks916
My Email:dks916@yahoo.com

great site!

mariñas,jinky c. - 06/14/00 02:17:43
My Email:jinky_maru@yahoo.com

your the greatest. e-mail me some time...

Dana K. Scully (no personal info online; my privacy policy.) - 06/11/00 17:19:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dana_katherine_scully64/newfanfic.html
My Email:Celine_Marie_Dion@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Massachusetts
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I LOVE YOUR SITE!! I read a lot of FanFic, and I have found, by far, the most interesting stories on your site. Thanx for keeping it maintained so well!

Gabor Horvath - 06/06/00 15:47:47
My Email:GaborHorvath@TheSearchCompany.com
Point of Origin: Toronto
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day and all our yesterdays light fools the way to dusty death...

I'm sure I totally screwed up that quote, but it is my favourite. I only have a sec. but I wanted to drop you a line. Your thoughts appear to share the same space as mine. Amazing. Nice sight. Good quotes - you have a gentle, inteligent sense of humo r. I'll be back when I have some more time...

Mishka - 05/24/00 00:45:51
My Email:Peachy_Angel_Nat@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: I love x-files (i'm a freak)
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: ???
Comments: OK!

Well i just wanted to say that i love the x-files and i totaly beleive in aliens and well i think that they are cool and if we don't bug them they won't bug us but in the x-files it's different.hehe...Mulder and Scully can bug them as much as they want it s their show so..ya well anyways..got to jet so...bye bye..

Javerya - 04/30/00 12:29:57
My Email:jiya@email.com
Point of Origin: pakistan

I love X files.i love moulder and scully...they both are good actors and i never miss a single episode of The X files...coz it is really fun to watch this program and im die heart fan of david duchovny.

- 04/29/00 19:58:16


m.hamid - 04/17/00 10:11:17
Point of Origin: england
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: music is the fruit of love


nanik rahayu - 04/13/00 01:24:21
My Email:nanik@gurlmail.com

great i love x- files and thanx for having this website it is fun

Dale Sebourn - 04/12/00 19:50:20
My Email:sebournd@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Alabama

My son-in-law was a guest star in "The Fatsucker".I can't find the X File show listed anywhere. Do you know anything?

jolanda - 04/09/00 13:06:42
My Email:jvdhoorn@freemail.nl
Point of Origin: holland

I'm a big fan of the x files and i want to thank you for all the information. Thanks! Jolanda

- 04/02/00 02:20:34


newyorkers - 03/21/00 22:00:14
My URL:http://www.nyc.myweb.nl
My Email:newyorkers@nyc.myweb.nl
Point of Origin: The Netherlands
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To be or not to be
Comments: Love The X-Files !!

Great site !! Keep up the good work .

Anita S. Edwards - 03/20/00 20:32:32
My Email:ctanitas@yahoo.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: Computer class assignment.

Using the SouthWestern Educatonal Publishing-textbook - Internet Concepts & Activities for classroon use.

Jamie Steele - 03/20/00 18:16:04
My Email:Nytef75@flash.net
Point of Origin: ????
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts...
Comments: Killer website!

I just love this web-site! I, too, am a X-File FREAK. Never missed one episode--never have, never will--and as an the biggest X-File fan in the world and for all your web-site fans throughout the entire country, YOUR WEB-SITE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

inna - 03/15/00 15:04:15
My URL:http://amalteia.newmail.ru
My Email:amalteia@newmail.ru


D. Do9uglass - 03/02/00 17:09:01
My Email:DhdVA@Aol.com

Just looking at your information. need more advocates around the world to help with disabled in the workforce to teach the business/organization to work with the disabled not put them in cleaning work only.... Thank you.

Michelle - 02/26/00 13:03:57
My Email:mrohan88@esatclear.ie
Point of Origin: Ireland
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "To Be Or Not To Be"
Comments: Great Site


Megan Wilde - 02/17/00 22:00:58
My Email:Wguns@Allwest.net
Point of Origin: Utah
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Where for art thou Romeo?
Comments: Great Site

I really enjoyed your site. I like the paranormal and your site was a great example of it. Thank you for the fun I had on your site. Megan

Lorri - 02/12/00 20:30:20
My Email:Boomboom23@aol.com
Point of Origin: beyond the sea
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: hath, ye, thou etc
Comments: tis OK

u need pictures and longer reviews for each episode

Kerry Dennis - 01/28/00 08:58:10
My Email://
Point of Origin: England/birmingham
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romio ,Romio
Comments: x.files is the best


Khorne - 01/26/00 08:03:20
My Email:khorne@cyberlink.bc.ca

Well, we're in the short strokes people. In one way or another, the X-Files we all love will come to an end with the ending of this season. Whether David Duchovny simply leaves, allowing the rest to continue for another season (Gillian Anderson still ha a year on her contract), this being the option I prefer, or if the whole thing simply wraps up and gets ready for a film series, it's all over once this season's done. I'm sure I'm like the rest of the X-Files fan out there. I've been waiting seven seasons to see some things, and by God I'd like to have them crammed in before the series is up. Maybe I'm too late, and should have started beating the drums of war two ye rs ago, but better late than never. I urge the reader to consider the options I've laid out below, and to make the powers that be aware that you, like I, would like to see some of these things. Of course, if you disagree with what I've laid out, but the e is something you would like to see that isn't here, let all and sundry know, too. -the X-Files meets H. P. Lovecraft. Many of ol' H.P.'s stories could easily be used as plots for X-Files episodes, especially his later, and more famous, Cthulhu Mythos stories. If they thought that the Syndicate and it's deal with the Greys was a deadl conspiracy, wait ‘til they meet the Cthulhu or Yog-Sothoth cults. I'd give my right arm to see Mulder and Scully knock heads with the Whatelys of Dunwich, or old Joseph Curwen of Providence. Mulder and Scully could visit Arkham, Dunwich, Kingsport, or nnsmouth, confront the Cthulhu cult, investigate the Fungi From Yuggoth, or any number of things. Given the series ongoing use of aliens, the Fungi From Yuggoth and Elder Things are naturals for an X-Files episode. The characters from the X-Files could ollow up the events described in one of Lovecraft's stories, with a follow up investigation to the Dunwich Horror being the most obvious. Alternately, one of Lovecraft's stories could be updated to the 2000's, with Mulder and Scully as the chief characte s. -"Halloween", "Friday the 13th", or "A Nightmare On Elm Street" X-Files style. Come on! Who of you out there haven't wanted to see the X-Files' version of these classic thrillers, or better yet, Mulder and Scully butt heads with the likes of Michael Mye s, Jason Voorhees, or Fred Kruger? It would be thrilling, we'd get to see our heroes in full-blown FBI mode stopping a mass murderer, and we'd have the paranormal/ supernatural. "Scream" could be folded in, too, since the FBI handles serial killers. -the Blair Witch. Even Time Magazine wants to see this one. Artisan Films and Oni Press have established a back story for the Blair Witch, detailing past encounters with it, and other investigations into just what's going on in the woods of Frederick Co nty, Maryland. We've had Mulder and Scully in these types of situations before ("Ice", "Darkness Falls", "Quagmire" etc). Let's see the last two Big Things together. I'd even settle for a version of the Blair Witch, where the crucial elements of the fi m are moved somewhere else, and the spook has a different name. -the X-Files in Canada. Bring ‘em up here. Canada has lots of superstitions, legends, and shady government antics that could form grist for an X-Files episode or nine. As an RCMP officer, I know that the FBI and RCMP consult an awful lot, and an arrang ment exists for the RCMP to make use of FBI personnel and resources. If nothing else, an investigation into terrorist activities could get Mulder and Scully north of the 49th, and after that, the story would write itself. -a cannibal. The X-Files draws heavily on the version of the FBI featured in "The Silence of the Lambs". Gillian Anderson is widely considered the most logical replacement for Jodi Foster in the third Hannibal Lecter movie, "Hannibal", now that Ms. Fost r has passed on reprising her role of Clarice Starling. Let's use the opportunity to throw our heroes against this, the most diabolical of killers. Of course, an X-Files cannibal would be something altogether more ferocious than the good Dr. Lecter. Th wendigo tradition of the Algonquin Indians or H. P. Lovecraft's cannibalistic characters could serve as the jumping off point, and would produce a superhuman hunter of humans worthy of Mulder and Scully. -a medical thriller. Enough episodes have been driven by Mulder's manias. Let's see Scully's background make one go. There is a fine tradition of medical thrillers that would proudly count an X-Files episode among their number. Let's not forget, Scull is a medical doctor. She simply joined the FBI instead of going into practice. She had to do a medical residency somewhere, and that hospital could serve as the setting for a medical thriller. You might even dovetail the Syndicate's actions into this tory, since their gene-splicing experiments have to take place somewhere, too. -Fortean phenomena. We've seen everything else drive episodes: an alien conspiracy, government duplicity, religious themes, popular culture, menaces made up from whole cloth by the writers, and even self-parodies. The one thing that hasn't been used to nspire an episode has been the writings of Charles Fort, which could easily inspire an X-Files episode. -the men in black. I don't mean Governor Ventura and Alex Trebec, or Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones here. I mean the full on, UFO specters, the men in black. Like the Cthulhu cult, the men in black would make the Syndicate look like a ladies bridge clu . We've seen just about every other facet of the UFO phenomena used as grist for stories. Let's see the men in black. -bigfoot. I made a mistake when I said that everything but Fortean phenomena had been used as grist for a story. Bigfoot, in some way, shape, or form, hasn't reared his hairy head yet, either. Don't you think he should before the X-Files bows out? -some non-alien conspiracies. We've got the solution to the JFK hit in the X-Files world (Cigarette Smoking Man did it UNDER the Grassy Knoll) but let's see some other conspiracies tackled, like the Jim Morrison or Karen Silkwood questions. MK-ULTRA was mentioned in "Jose Chung's From Outer Space". Let's see the X-Files take it on. What about Jack the Ripper or the whole Inslaw/ Danny Casolaro/ October Surprise affair, the Octopus? In the X-Files comic book, Mulder and Scully met St. Germaine. One of the explanations for the Jack the Ripper killings was that they served as an occult path to immortality. I'd give my other arm to see Mulder and Scully beat down with Saucy Jack in a modern city. -Frankenstein. This could be part of out medical thriller focusing on Scully, or not. We've had versions of most of the classic Universal movie monsters: the wolf man in "Shapes", vampires in "3", the creature from the Black Lagoon (sort of) in "the Hos ", but no X-Files take on Victor Frankenstein's Modern Prometheus. Maybe we should see it before the X-Files ends. This story could be built around organ donation, or the urban legend of organ thieves. - a final resolution to the Samantha Mulder saga. Even if we get none of these things, I'd desperately like to see the entire Samantha Mulder issue resolved. Not only would it be a nice favor to all us die hard fans who have stuck with the series all th s time, but it would allow the proposed post-network TV film series to start semi-fresh. They could slough off most of the baggage of the television series and tell newer stories in the films. The X-Files film failed because it tried to be too involved ith the Syndicate and the ongoing conspiracy. It was a long episode. The best episodes of the X-Files, and the ones that bring new people in to the series, have absolutely nothing to do with the conspiracy. If the films are to bring in new fans, they h ve to move away from the conspiracy, and a resolution of the Samantha Mulder issue would nicely tie things up, allowing Tenthirteen Productions to do just that. As I said, if we die hard fans want to see those few interesting things in the remaining X-Files episodes, we have to act now, while there's still some time. I urge everyone, even those who think I've got a space for rent sign on my forehead and my head irmly up my behind, who loves the X-Files to speak up. Get in touch with the people who make the X-Files at Tenthirteen and Fox. Tell them how we'd like to see the series end. It's up to us.

- 01/23/00 12:54:37


Tigress35 - 01/06/00 23:24:29
My URL:http://www.tig-tv.com/X-Files/
My Email:tigress35@tig-tv.com
Point of Origin: Saturn


2shy - 12/18/99 20:58:55
My Email:i_believe51@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Illinois
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Parting is such sweet sorrow

Ok like I'm all freaked out that this is the last season what am I going to do! Well I got all the episodes on tape except 6 of them so I'm semi OK. Well I don't feel in my heart that Mulder and Scully are going to get together by the end of the season bu I heard another movie is com'in out in 2001 or 2002. If they do get together it probably won't be until then. I just wanted to say the x-files kicks ass!!!

jill miller - 12/18/99 20:46:27
My Email:i_believe51@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Illinois
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: A plague on both your houses

I love the x-files it's like the best show ever. A first I thought Mulder and Scully shouldn't get together you know,like it would ruin the show, but now I'm not so sure. To me whenever they look at eachother a certain way it's just as good as them kissi g. I like the x-files just how it is now. They gave us the new years kiss and that was enough for me. I love the Mulder & Scully relationship, especially since that bitch Fowly is supposedly dead!

Crystal Anderson - 12/15/99 00:44:59
My Email:cga_pornstar@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: michigan
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "to be or not to be that is the question"
Comments: i love x files

your page is stylin' and it is very cool xfiles are super fly

Niki - 11/29/99 03:13:10
My Email:niki_zullig@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: 'A rose by anyother name would smell as sweet'

I just got done watching the X-Files. I'm in shock. Chris Carter actually let them kiss! I am so happy right now. The only problem was I missed what Mulder said right after the kiss? Can anyone help me here? Its driving me insane.

bugaboo854 - 11/23/99 23:27:43
Point of Origin: Washington

hey all i heard that this is the last year of the xfiles cuz davids contract runs out!!!!!i hope m&s get together before it ends so chris carter if your read this put them together

bugaboo854 - 11/23/99 23:24:04
Point of Origin: Washington

hey all i heard that this is the last year of the xfiles cuz davids contract runs out!!!!!

Victoria Proudfoot (Scully and Gillian to my friends) - 11/13/99 11:05:27
My Email:andyproudfoot@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: County Durham, England
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "She would create a light so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night" (or something very similar) Romeo and Juliet

When it comes to the Mulder/Scully relationship I can get quite worked up, and here is why: From day one Chris Carter said that Mulder and Scully would never become romantically involved. Understandable. Yet he has allowed things to happen such as: holdin hands, almost kissing each other, saying that they love each other. Worst of all, by the end of the film he has made it so that they have both "forgotten" about wanting to kiss each other and expects the viewers to accept that "normal" people, of which M lder and Scully are, act that way, which they do not. AND by the beginning of season six Mulder is back making goo-goo eyes at that bitch Diana Fowley as if he feels nothing for Scully. Wake up Chris Carter and realise that when you allow things to happen you have to make the events that proceed them believeable. So, do I think Mulder and Scully should get together? (I hope you are listening Chris) YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron Blackard - 11/05/99 16:52:08
My Email:blackard_2@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: To be or not to be, that is the question
Comments: X-files rules


lolly pop - 10/30/99 04:19:16
My Email:not sayin'
Point of Origin: melbourne
Comments: x-files rule

great site! i dont usually like fanfics but yours are fantastic. i hope you can get some more fanfics for your site. i give your site 10/10 keep up the good work

lolly pop - 10/30/99 04:19:15
My Email:not sayin'
Point of Origin: melbourne
Comments: x-files rule

great site! i dont usually like fanfics but yours are fantastic. i hope you can get some more fanfics for your site. i give your site 10/10 keep up the good work

È¿°æ - 10/27/99 11:09:00


Prozac - 10/26/99 00:21:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/nikill/frames.html
My Email:exlax@home.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: ummmm

Does anyone know where you can either buy X-Files episodes (VHS or DVD) or find ripped (computer encoded) episodes like in .dat or .mpg. PLEASE E-Mail me at exlax@home.com if you have any information at all!!! Thanks! X-Files RULE...

rebecca - 10/12/99 09:53:27
My Email:beckhoy@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: sydney
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be, our not to be

I thouht our sit was unreal

Colleen - 09/24/99 13:28:53
My Email:hillerupc@globalserve.net
Point of Origin: Toronto
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women only players..."

Chris Owens will be at the Primedia convention Oct 22-24, 1999. Info is at www.interlog.com/~kcozens/primedia Not really a comment on the show, except that I'm excited by the prospect of meeting him.

pam hughes - 09/23/99 12:00:50
My URL:http://pamthughes
My Email:@hotmail:yahoo.com.
Point of Origin: liverpool england

what are we to do when x-files finishes

graeme - 09/15/99 09:40:26
My Email:megakiller01@yahoo.co.uk
Point of Origin: home of fish & chips ENGLAND
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be

this website is cool and the britsh are kings of the world who are wacthing you

Jemima - 09/12/99 08:59:02
My Email:lillyth_86@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Perth, Australia
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: If though has offended, think not this and all is mended

What is it with every X-Files episode guide?? It always end around "Monday"! Even the official site ends around then. Can you please tell me why this is?

Kate - 09/09/99 18:14:26
My Email:poe1013@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: Chicago
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "And yet, by Heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare."


Jackie Reilly - 09/09/99 12:53:27
My Email:earonrose@yahoo
Point of Origin: Castlemilk
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Romeo where ow thart romeo

|Hope we get a new series soon. I think this is one of the best shows produced.

Amy - 09/05/99 23:19:33
Point of Origin: US
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: I love the play "Antony and Cleopatra"!
Comments: May love triumph!!!

I am a tough skeptic on the outside, but a vunerable romantic on the inside!

Kate - 08/28/99 13:32:04
My Email:K8.les@usa.net
Point of Origin: New Zealand
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: 'All the worlds a stage...', 'a rose by any other name...', '... Juliet is my sun.', 'Antony and Cleopatra'(the entire play)

Love this site, but how on earth am I expected to choose a fave line from Shakespeare?? It's like being allowed only 1 fave X-Files episode!!

adrian alvin roy - 08/27/99 10:30:07
My Email:ketuakpg@hotmail.com

i like if mulder and scully have sex while working.

Vicky - 08/19/99 19:35:06
Comments: So cool

I love your quote. The beggining one. I also believe this and I am really happy that other 'shippers' believe this too.

Erina - 07/28/99 17:57:52
My Email:ee_link@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Ind
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Hamlet
Comments: More pic


alicia terpstra - 07/17/99 23:42:52
My Email:bluebuddha@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: IN, USA
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Out damn spot, out!
Comments: that really is a line from Shakespeare

I love your site, it was one of the first ones i ever visited. I love how it is well kept and has great fanfic.

Rhianna - 07/16/99 23:34:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Highrise/2352/index.html
My Email:Superstar728@hotmail.com
Point of Origin: AlaSKA
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate.
Comments: What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Look's like good hard computer work..heh.

Millennium Porkchop - 07/14/99 08:42:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/howwillitend/index.html
My Email:millenniumporkchop@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Australia

Nice site

Millennium Porkchop - 07/14/99 08:40:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/howwillitend/index.html
My Email:millenniumporkchop@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: Australia

Nice site

Foxy11814 - 07/07/99 19:40:27
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/foxy11814/
My Email:foxy11814@netscape.net

I loved you website. I can't get enough of 'shipper X-File websites. Thanks a lot!!!!

jonathan feldman - 07/06/99 13:40:37
My Email:jonfeld@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: argentina
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be or not to be
Comments: the x-files is the best

i love the x-files. keep on working that way

dana - 07/05/99 19:51:54


damian valrath - 07/04/99 01:05:55
My Email:damianv66@aol.com
Point of Origin: u.s
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: herasheo i knew him well
Comments: i like your page all around so far


PAUL G - 06/30/99 15:06:15
Point of Origin: LONDON


Leah Phillips - 06/17/99 11:51:20
Point of Origin: ENGLAND
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: to be, or not to be
Comments: I luv the x-files-especially dave duchovny

Hi Write to me Mulder and Scully make a really cute couple

Paige Dehen - 06/16/99 19:29:24
My Email:noteworthy60@hotmail.com
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: "Juliet is the sun"
Comments: This is cool


Rene - 06/12/99 15:22:36
My URL:http://reneb.com


- 06/11/99 22:16:40


Sarah - 06/08/99 19:35:41
My Email:GillianD86@aol.com
Point of Origin: Vegas
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: Above all else to thine own sekf be true.

Very nice X-Files page, you had all the episodes and not only that you had links to other peoples opinions and to Sarah's Reviews.

Sidney Doyle - 05/19/99 14:24:35
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/oxford/10/index.html
My Email:v_sidney@yahoo.com
Point of Origin: ***Nil***
Favorite Line from Shakespeare: The Hamlet~
Comments: Quite gd%Interestin


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