The following materials deal with public domain music.      [Click for catalog]   Largest supplier of Public Domain sheet music, song books, and information!

Welcome to the largest supplier of public domain music books and materials in the U.S. today.  We are the first and most reasonably priced operation of recent times. In 1992 we published an "Encyclopedia" (now circulating in over 500 public libraries and Universities) and since then various other Public Domain song books and materials.  See below.

Note: You may see in the field some more recent competitors
with out-of-sight prices and striving to imitate the original.

Price list of books & materials
Use this Paypal service for purchases or call our Office below for other credit cards.
2002  Encyclopedia of Public Domain Music" Standard Ed.                ISBN 189189138 
6000+ Song titles in 20 catagories; 6 ways music becomes "PD"; explanations of Law.
. . .$79.95 
2002 "Encyclopedia of Public Domain Music" Professional Ed           ISBN 1891891146 
6000+ Song titles in 20 catagories; 6 ways music becomes "PD" with quotes of the law. 
Plus: Helps for music production; Master Entertainment List; Berne Convention; 
 and more song titles. 
. . .$95.50

2000 "Directory of Public Domain Music" (over 20,000 titles) 
Includes titles to sheet music we have in our library, 
research section of older music titles (about 8000 more), 
and "PD" sheet music info for 45c per song. 
. . . $99.95
1997 "The Commercial Use of Public Domain Music" . . 
How "PD" music has been used; 
do's and don'ts in music production, interesting facts. 
. . . $8.95
  All "public domain" song books 
(Includes melodies and lyrics at about 30c per song, 
with permission to play and record our arrangments 
for commercial use) 
-- Ready to go "PD" music, reasonably priced.) 
  Broadway & Ragtime Melodies (58 Broadway, 22 Ragtime) . . . $32.50
  Nursing Home Songbook (62 "PD" songs, four types of music) . . . $28.95
  Traditional FOLK MUSIC (More than 90 "PD" songs) . . . $32.50
  Treasury of Favorite Waltzes (52 songs, Classic and Broadway) . . . $28.95
  Country Dance Music (70 songs, 5 styles) . . . $26.95
  Traditional Childrens' Song Book (180 "PD" songs) . . . $32.50
  Christian Childrens' Songbook (Over 110 "PD" songs) . . . $16.95
  Happy Birthday Document (proving that it is "public domain".)
A 1935 copyright is invalid according to us, double your money back if we are wrong. (Many people have been ripped off by this dilemma)
. . . $35.00
  Christian Adult songbook coming sooooooonnnnn  
  New audio "PD" music...various sets of audio CD's (can be ordered immediately).
A collection of audio CD's with hours of free music to play or record as you wish.
(Instrumentals only).
Set of 3 CD's (all public domain) various styles of music ............. 


  Set of 5 CD's  (all public domain) ......................


  Set of 8 CD's  (all public domain) ...........................


  Set of 12 CD's   (all public domain) ...........................



To use Visa, Master Charge, Discover, or American Express...
Call our office... ask for Bob 320 558 6801

call or E Mail for a list of titles to the CD collections... Bob Katzmarek

Latest news ! Our Happy Birthday Document,  report that the
1935 copyright is invalid, inquire and read about our research on
the subject. People have paid $12,000 to sing it in a movie: 
$200 to sing it on a national T.V. show.

Special note: We do not supply information or opinions on individual song titles, unless you are an established customer. You must first understand about derivative works and more. If you're serious about copyright free music; for the basics, start with the "Encyclopedia".


  Who is the final authority on 
public domain music... 
to bail you out of your problem? 

The "problem" ... Is your selected song copyrighted or public domain?

  1. Let's start with the Copyright Office which charges you $20 per hr. while researching for you. When finished, they indicate in their own literature: 
    • Quote: "Searches of the Copyright Office catalogues and records are useful but they cannot be regarded as concusive in all cases." 
    • Elsewhere they say: quote; "The Copyright Office cannot express any opinions as to the legal significance of effect of facts included in a search report." 
    • Is this our "highest authority" of the land speaking???? 
  2. How about ASCAP, or The HARRY FOX AGENCY ? If you contact them about a song, they may quote you a derivataive work of a song that is actually public domain, indicating that it's copyrighted. If you don't know the difference -- you pay. They will not tell you of earlier public domain versions. Real helpful ! 
  3. What about all the songs on file at the Copyright Office? These songs if properly filed for copyright are valid only if someone hadn't previously published the song. The Copyright Office has no record of songs published without applying for copyright, which probably are literaly millions. 

Conclusion:"Boy! this is a mess!" yes it is ... were doing our best to explain it all .
Second conclusion: Valid is an early public domain version in hand.
Final shocker: Songs published as late as 1983 may be public domain. -- Bob k. 

About public domain sheet music...

Intro: We have between 50,000 to 80,000 songs in the public domain in our library with only a small amount of it categorized. Information on it is includedin the "Encyclopedia's" but prices for the uncategorized music may run customers between $3 to $4.00 per song plus a small research fee (And it's time consumingtracking down such music). However....., 

As a result of numermous suggestions and requests of people who have seen the "Encyclopedia"certain compilations of such music have been made and placed into organized files and we can sell such music as a result at reduced prices, probably surpassing the price of all our competitors.Here's what we got. (Being updated periodically, regarding types, quantities, and prices.)

Available sheet music lists and how to order the music.
Each list represents public domain sheet music in our ready-to go files that we can sell to you for between $2.25 to $4.00 per song with permission to play and record the music
for commercial use. Cost for each list is $4.00 plus $2.00 S&H.

Folk Songs List = Aproximately 300 songs.
Ragtime Melodies = Aproximately 140 old time Rags, in piano arrangments 
Broadway Songs = Near 150 songs, most with lyrics.
Irish Sing-along list = Over 100 famous Irish songs.
Selected Classical music = Aproximately 250+ songs
Dance Music, American, Irish, Polish, = Over 300 songs
Christian Songs = Aproximately 250 songs with lyrics.
Christian Childrens Song = about 50 songs with lyrics.
Christmas Songs = Over 120 traditional Christmas songs. 

Note: See also our "ALL public domain" Song books where songs sell at 30c or less.
Send your request to: Royalty-Free Music,Inc. 16447 Isaak Ave NW 
Clearwater, Mn 55320 

NOTE: We make an effort to screen out "poorer quality" songs in each category as we run acrossthem so as to achieve reasonable degress of customer satisfaction (there' is a lot of junk "PD" music in the old archives.) ALSO: Sheet music sold thru the "Directory Of "PD" Sheet Music" is at a reduced price for the above reason. It lists some 12,000 titles in various categories.Observation: We are not on ASCAP's BMI's, or HARRY FOX AGENCY's favorite customers'list ?? Oh well !!! 

Information on the "Encyclopedia of Public Domain Music" . . .

  1. Contains 18 categories of music, 14 secular, 4 religious. 
  2. Over 2600 dates of composition for old traditional music. 
  3. Historical background on various styles of music. 
  4. Practical information on copyright laws (Improved & clarified over the last 4 yrs.) How to obtain copies of the law--new and old. Confusing factors of the law. 13 ways, you may be violating copyright law with music. Performance rights rates. Several pages of helpful question & answers. 
  5. How people & organizations have put "PD" music to use. 
  6. How to obtain public domain sheet music. 
  7. The "Pay as you Play" system of music taxation. And more...... 
Regarding the "Professional Edition"...

It includes special information on music production; "5 ways" music becomes "PD". What you can & cannot do with "PD" music. The Berne Convention applications, Opportunities with "PD" Music, a suppliment with many more song titles. 

Suggestion: Download this page for future reference, and circulate it, we'd appreciate it. 



          To receive the latest catalog or to order

send a stamped #10 self-addressed envelope

              All retail sales: Royalty-Free Music, Inc.
                                      16447 Isaak Ave NW, Clearwater, MN 55320

Libraries, bookstores:   Katzmarek Publishing
                                    16447 Isaak Ave. N.W., Clearwater, MN 55320

Phone: 320-558-6801                              24hr FAX: 320-558-6637
To E-mail Bob: click here=> KATZMAREK@AOL.COM

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Royalty-Free Music
Be Free Music
Copyright Commons
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