Navyblue Picture Page

It's us!: *THE GROUP* This picture was taken at Thanksgiving Break 1996 at Lindsay's house. Poor Dan wasn't there because he was Marine-ing.

The 'Group' is a close knit collection of Robinson Secondary School graduates. We have members from the classes of '95, '96 and the class of '97. Whenever we can, we get together to have fun, a good laugh, and, sometimes, a good fight. As a group, we went on hikes, roller skated, ice skated, camped, saw movies, went to dinner, shopped, and much more. We may never be together as a whole ever again, but the times we've had together gave us memories that will last forever.


Dan and Lindsay are finally married! (Wedding was in May 2003)
A "Little Group Get Together" April 13th 2002. Click here for some pictures.
If you wish to view the ARCHIVE, click on the fish.

Report ASAP any wrong information, I will change it, no problem.

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Page last modified Oct 20 2005.

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