Isis is an Egyptian goddess which embodies all of the great qualities of womanhood. She is the great protecter and nuturer of the earth. Other names for Isis are: Mother of All Things, Divine Mourner and Protecter of Humanity.
Isis, first daughter of Geb and Nut was born in the swamps of the Delta on the fourth intercalary day. Osiris, her eldest brother, chose her as his consort/wife and she mounted to the throne with him. She helped him in his grest work os civilizing Eygpt by teaching women to grind corn, spin flax and weave cloth. She also taught men the art of cuting disease and, by institutinf marriage, accustomed them to domestic life. When Osiris left, Isis ruled as regent.
Upon hearing her violent brother, Set, assassinated Osiris, Isis cut her hair, tore her robes and set off seeking Osiris' coffer which conspirators had cast into the Nile. The coffer was carried out to sea then finally landed near the base of a tamarisk tree. The tree grew so quickly the coffer was enclosed within its trunk. Malcandre, king of Byblos, gave orders that the tamarisk should be cut to prop up the roof of his palace. When this was done the tree gave off so exquisite a scent that its reputation reached Isis. Without delay she traveled to Phoenicia, the capital of Byblos.
Once there Queen Astarte, entrusted Isis wath the care of her newborn son. Isis would have conferred immortality upon him had not Astarte broken the charm with her cries of terror when she saw the goddess bathe the baby in purififcatory flames. In order to reassure Astarte, Isis revealed her true identity and purpose. Isis was the given Osiris' coffer which she too back to Egypt and hid from the swamps of Buto. Set, however found the body and cut it onto 14 pieces and scattered them throughout the world. Isis was able to retreive all of the pieces except the phallus*. She reconstituted the body of Osiris and for the first time in history , performed the rites of embalmment. This restored the murdered god to eternal life.
Isis was assisted by her sister, Nephthys, Set's wife, by her Nephew Anubis, Thoth, Osiris' grand vizier, and by Horus, the posthomous son, conceived by union with her husband's dead body. Isis went to the swamps of Buto to raise her son, Horus, who would one day avenge his father's murder.
*phallus-- genital or penis
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