Welcome to the personal chambers of Lady Savannah

Only the few and the previleged my enter here!

Besides those who sneak in undetected by the guards posted outside.

Well if you have come this far, it must mean that you are interested in me to some extent...so come...read on and learn. You are the th person to be so brave as to step into this restricted area.
I'm 25 yrs old and living in Galveston, TX where I work as a computer programmer for American National Insurance Company. I've been here about a year and a half, and I am liking it so far. I used to live in Nacogdoches, TX until I graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a BBA in General Business in May of 1998. I still dont know a whole lot of people in the area since I am relatively new to my area but I'm working on it. It's hard though since most people at work are married with children. My problem is that I am kind of shy, so it takes a while for me to warm up to someone. I do feel time by oneself is important, but sometimes it is hard to do, (and sometimes way too easy to get used to). When I am by myself, I do a lot of different things. The one I usually end up doing is thinking, and yes there is some day-dreaming involved here, I won't lie. I also do arts and crafts, like painting, cross-stitching, and anything else I can create in my own home. I like to read. Some of my favorite authors are Stephen King, Dean R. Koontz, Anne Rice, and some other sick people such as myself. I also love antiques, especially furniture. Its an expensive habit, but I can't help myself, and believe me...I don't spend all that much...I just dont have the money. If I had the money, I would buy myself a large Victorian home (to renovate) with a large porch to watch the stars at night on, and an occasional lightning storm. I have a collection of dolls and I like miniature things. Hmmm..now that you have gone this far and are still reading, I will tell you about some of my family. My parents have in the past several years or so gotten a divorce. I am very proud of my Mom and how she returned to school after so long. She just graduated from Sam Houston State University with an art degree. She even has her own Hole in the Web. ps...dont send her any email she doesnt check it anymore..but if any older males would like to get in touch with her for a date or something...give me an email...and I think I could set something up...haha...she's great! My brother is going to Texas A&M University and is studying computer engineering...And my sister is teaching art in an elementary school in College Station. And last but not least is my Dad, who still lives in the small town I grew up in. He spends most of his time either at work (at DuPont) or at home trying to keep the ol' farm together. :) Some new news on his side... He has just recently gotten remarried! But anyway that's my family and I love them, and hope to get to see them all soon. HHmmm....well I guess that is about it for now, of course this thing changes every other day I think..haha so if you are like addicted to me or something, and can't help but keep checking on my page, please do! haha Just don't forget to sign the guestbook! See Ya!

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