
If you have found this site looking for stuff on the loveable characters called the Wombles, then I think that you are going to be sorry.
On the other hand, if you are after the person also know as Womble, then WombleNET © is the place to be.

This place is for friends of this particular Womble only really. Why? Because it is a personal place, written lees like as reference and more like a multi person letter that is open to everyone that feels that they can cope with me in full as it were.
If you don't want to read a lot, or just feel that I have nothing good to say, then follow this link to Exit to GOD (Global Online Directory) to find something more to your taste.

If you wish to contact me, please click here, or mail me at Lava@geo.to. Thank you.

So far, there are the following links:

The State Of Womble's World.
Womble's Music

But soon? Loads more.

Designed and created for WombleNET by Christopher Hamblin (Copyright Chris Hamblin March '99)
Any views and opinions expressed here are that of the author only.
Any offence caused is accidental.