
The one stop site for all budding telecom engineers

is a humble effort of a telecommunications engineer from Mumbai to help out fellow budding engineers from around the globe.

     First let me introduce myself. I am Harish R. Kamath, a 21 year old Cancerian from India who has just completed his engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Mumbai. Over the last three years, I have been surfing the Internet with great zeal and enthusiasm.

     Along the way, I have come across many sites and pages that have helped to clear up my fundamentals as well as enhance my knowledge regarding the subject. I have also reviewed sites for many publications in Mumbai which has helped me to build a vast database of resources that are available on the net for Telecommunications engineers.

     And when I finally completed my degree, I decided that it was pay back time. As a result, what you get on this site is a comprehensive collection of links that are connected with the field of telecommunications that I have surfed upon for the last three years. So go ahead and start clicking away...

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Last updated on August 27, 1999.

© 1999 : The content on this site is copyright of Harish R. Kamath.