Ladies, Gentlemen, D-bees and Mutants,

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Oso Muerte's RIFTS Page

Hello fellow Rifters. Welcome to my tribute to RIFTS. My friends call me Oso based on the name of one of my best Rifts characters. Oso Muerte was an Anti-monster (South America). I say "was" because he met a grizzly demise at the hands of a horde of Man-Eagles (not sure which book). His accomplishments include defeating a Splugorth Conservator in a fair arena match, being a founding member of the mercenary team "Demolition Crew" (my playing group), and destroying a food tent full of inocent people with a stray shot (natural one). Okay, so he wasn't a perfect character, but he's my namesake.

The group that I play with is a little unique. For starters, we rotate game masters, something which I am repeatedly advised against. It works for us and it keeps one GM from sticking it to any characters out of fear of retaliation.

Another unique thing is that there are only three of us. We've tried to expand our group, but each time we add a player they bail quickly for one reason or another. The three of us play two characters each. Game master's characters are active, but we try to avoid any excessive use of them. For the most part, the GM characters just kind of watch.

We like to bend, stretch, twist, and outright break rules of the game, as is suggested in Rifts RPG book. We don't push too many issues. We have a Temporal Warrior who pilots a robot vehicle (Metal Siren from Macross), which is a no-no. We adapted the Anime series Guyver to a character, an interesting yet powerful addition. We have a borg from the future with a technological equivalent to teleport. Why do we use such rediculous things? We can!!!

The Demolition Crew

Hugo a real damage magnet!
Zippy my first character
Dice a ninja juicer
Spades the future borg
Poet your atypical merc
Jason he's the Siren pilot
Hawkeye the Guyver


Oso the Anti-monster
Kelly he took point


Don't call us, we'll find you!
Guyver from Anime series
But ours is this color
Everybody loves Rune Swords!
Most of ours were well earned!
Our business card

Soon I hope to make this section for pictures. My buddy Matt Nutsch (plays Spades, Poet, and the late Kelly) is a hot shot with a pen and has made some sweet DC pictures. Alas, you'll have to wait on them a little while. Check back sometime, they're worth the wait!

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