Japanese to English Vocabulary Games
Below are (or soon will be) several games (one for each letter of the alphabet in fact) that quiz Japanese students knowledge of basic English vocabulary. All of the games require a java script enabled browser and the ability to read Japanese characters. In your preferences, the 'fixed width font' must be a Japanese font. This might require a Japanese system, I don't know
Starts with "A"
Starts with "B"
Starts with "C"
Starts with "D"
Starts with "E"
Starts with "F"
Starts with "G"
Starts with "H"
Starts with "I"
Starts with "J"
Starts with "K"
Starts with "L"
Starts with "M"
Starts with "N"
Starts with "O"
Starts with "P"
Starts with "Q"
Starts with "R"
Starts with "S"
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