Class of 2000

Karen Brownlee

The Graduates

Bonnie Allen
Ginette Benoit
Michele Bossaer
Chad Boudreau
Karen Brownlee
Pat Cabel
David Freeman
Kerri Hamel
Kristen Higgins
Jennifer Leask
Jill MacPherson
Lisa Marcinowski
Jeff Maser
Heather Polischuk
Kevin Pratt
Heather Prystay
Kim Smith
Marina Solovieva
Darren Steinke
Marcus Syrotiuk
Stephen Tipper
Renee Tratch
Lisa Unrau
Regan Wallin
Ken Wiebe

The Profs

Jill Spelliscy
Larry Todd
Jim McKenzie
Roy Bonisteel
Patricia Bell
Wendy Tebb
Lindsay Crysler
Renee Pellerin



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Regina, Saskatchewan

Posted on March 30, 2002 by Karen Brownlee

It's been a while since I talked to anyone and I finally had access to e-mail again, so I thought I'd send in a note for the site and share our good news.

Brad and I had a little boy on March 9! His name is Bergen James Leroy Schlamp. (The middle names are for both of his grandpas.) Since most people ask (and I'm not sure why), he was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 21 inches long.

He is three weeks old today.

He is a really good baby. Right now, he doesn't do much, except eat, sleep and fill his diaper, but it is still fascinating to see what he learns every day. He is discovering his hands and how to use them. He can focus on faces and reacts to Brad's and my voices. He looks at himself in a mirror. It's amazing the new skills I'm learning as well. I'm becoming ambidextrous. I can power nap before my head hits a pillow. I can shower, put on makeup and get dressed in 12 minutes. I spend four hours planning for a one hour trip out of the house.

I don't have anyone else's e-mail addresses with me, so could you please forward this to the others? I'd appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don't often have access to e-mail (this is from my brother-in-law's computer), so I won't be able to read any replies for quite awhile. Hopefully, I'll get to show him off the Regina crew soon! I'll have to have you guys over to our place some night. Karen

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Posted on December 8, 2001 by Karen Brownlee

I've checked into the site a couple of times, but haven't had time to send anything in. I've got a couple of minutes, so here's what's new with me.

The countdown is on for maternity leave. I plan on staying at my job until February 15, two weeks before my due date. So far, everything is going great. As far as we know, the baby is healthy and I feel fine. We've decided not to find out the sex, but many people seem to think I'm having a boy.

It didn't seem real that Brad and I will actually have a baby until this week. We've seen the ultrasounds and heard the heartbeat, but it is like it is all in the machines and not coming from me. Then, this week, I could actually see my shirt move as the baby moved and I can feel a little body pushing against my skin. Very cool!

I've been reading with interest the comments posted by Jill, Jenn, Heather and Kristen and have been wanting to respond. I just read Jill's comments and have to agree. It sounds good to keep looking to achieve future goals, but if you hate what you have to do to get there, it doesn't seem worth it. You can't really know if the final goal will be worth it, until you have reached it. Why spend years hating your work to maybe achieve your ultimate goal, which you may or may not love? Spend every day liking what you do, because life is too short. Loving your job may be too much to ask, but I don't think liking it is.

Here is my suggestion for you guys who aren't sure if journalism is for you. Is there a cause you identify with? Look to communications. I know many see it as the dark side, but it wouldn't be if the cause you are working for is connected to your personal values. For example, do you believe more needs to be done about the environment, a certain disease or the wellbeing of the less fortunate? I'm sure you would find your work more satisfying if you feel you are furthering a cause you support. You have the skills and experience to do it.

This is my problem. I like what I do and I like the company. Sure, there are days where I'm ready to walk out the door, but it often has more to do with my frustration with trying to meet a deadline when you can't get in contact with a source, than it does with working conditions or the people I work with or for.

My problem is with the money in journalism. I didn't get into this profession to get rich, but I did expect to make more money. I make enough to pay the bills and put a little away, but don't have much disposable cash to spend. Perhaps, when this student loan is paid off, things will be better, but then we'll have a child to pay for, so I don't know. My problem is do I continue at a job I like, but don't get paid that much at or do I look for a job that I won't like as much to make more money?

I know I just said life is too short to spend it at a job you don't like, but in my case, I feel I'm having to give up things in my personal life to have a job I like. I don't get home as much as I would like and we couldn't go on much of a honeymoon or ever really travel.

(Some may be wondering why Brad couldn't make more money. He could if he goes back to school, putting us much further in debt, or by working hard labour, like in the oilfield, where would he never be home and he could get hurt.)

Also, is it fair to ask my family (that I'll soon have) to sacrifice things so mom can have a job she likes? Anyone with some advice, let me know what you think.

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Posted on September 18, 2001 by Karen Brownlee

I've got so much news!

Our wedding went great! It was an outdoor ceremony in the evening and the weather was beautiful. I've never cried so much in my life...all happy tears! It is the most amazing feeling to sit in a room of all your family and friends all there to show their support and love for you. That is truly what makes it the best day of your life!

Brad and I have some very big news!!!! We were waiting until after the wedding to tell everyone. We're expecting a baby in the beginning of March! It was shocking at first, but now we're starting to get used to the idea. I haven't felt that much different, except for getting really tired even when I don't do much. Also, when I get hungry, I need food RIGHT NOW!

I went for an ultrasound just before the wedding and so far, everything looks good (just one with legs and arms and a heart...that's all they can tell right now.) We're not going to find out the sex, because it doesn't really matter to us what we have and it will make the wait all the better for that big suprise.

We're moving to the east side of Regina in November. Between all the presents we got and with a little one, we need the space desperately. Our place is filling with boxes. It felt so strange to tell the landlords I was looking for a place for me, my husband and a baby. My whole life has changed in the last couple of months!

I've been asked by many, so here's the scoop. If you want me at work, it's still Karen Brownlee. If you are trying to reach me at home, it's Karen Schlamp. We didn't want it to be confusing for others trying to figure out our family situation, so that's why I took Brad's name. I kept my own for work, because I have already built up my contacts under that name (and to make it a little more difficult for the unstable to find me at home).

Oh, yes...the honeymoon. We planned to go to B.C., but our car broke down and plus it needed new tires, so that took a lot of the budget. We decided to go to Waskesiu instead, which I think was much better. We got there in a few hours and spent the rest of the time relaxing, instead of travelling. It was beautiful and so relaxing! We went fishing and hiking and spent a lot of time just laying outside and eating great food at our hotel. Very nice!

I'll do better at keeping in touch and try to send in some pictures soon.

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Posted on August 10, 2001 by Karen Brownlee

I'm sending out apology e-mails for being the worst bride ever. I'm sorry I didn't get invitations out to you guys. Our moms had the invitations and were supposed to give us some for our friends, but they went overboard and there were none left for Brad and I when they got done (thanks moms!). I was going to get more made, but never got to it.

So here is my invitation to all of you...I don't want to put all the information on the site, so any old stranger who stumbles across it shows up. But, it is being held on Sept. 1 at Kenosee Lake, Saskatchewan. It is an outdoor ceremony in the evening . Then there is a program and dance. If you think you'd like to come, send me an e-mail ( and I'll fill you on the time and location at Kenosee. I'll fill you all in on how things went if you're not able to come!

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Posted on April 25, 2001 by Karen Brownlee

Susan, the host I work with, and I continue to learn about this strange world of talk radio. If someone ever figures out exactly what drives people to the phone to join the conversation, they will be a millionaire. Seriously, there are so many membership websites, magazines and books about what to do (which we've tried). We have to scour TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and books to know what's happening in the world and then try to figure out what most people know about and want to talk about. You never know for sure what it will be.

Brad and I are still busy planning this wedding. I don't know about Heather and Kim, but it is not fun and too damned expensive. It is much more fun going to other people's weddings, where you just show up and have a good time. I think if we had all the money in the world, it would be much more fun, but unfortunately, no one in the family has won the lottery yet.

I think we're going to go to Montreal and Ottawa for our honeymoon. We're just trying to figure out if we want a honeymoon or a house. Everyone keeps telling us to go for the honeymoon... that you can buy a house anytime... but we've wanted a house for a long time, so I'm not sure. What do you think?

Looks like I've got to go. Someone needs my computer. Talk to you soon, Karen

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Posted on November 3, 2000 by Karen Brownlee

There's been a new addition to my family. I'm now an aunt for the first time. My brother and his wife had a baby girl two weeks ago. Spent all night in Estevan's hospital waiting for her to arrive. When my mom and I got near the delivery room, we could hear my poor sister-in-law wailing and the doctor yelling at her,"Look him in the eye. Get mad and push this baby out." My poor brother was white when he finally came out with the baby.

Work is going great. There was so much to learn about how to do a talk show (getting the question to the caller right so we get calls was the hardest), but the team is getting the hang of this.

I saw Kim last weekend at a bridal show in Regina. I don't know about Kim, but it was overwhelming...all the women pushing and shoving to get a look at cakes, photographers, decorations, etc. All that and I didn't win the grand prize for a paid honeymoon.

For anyone in Regina or visiting, a review. There a couple of great plays at the Globe theater.Tornado Magnet and The Velvet Devil. Tornado Magnet is a one woman (really a drag queen) show about life in a trailer park. Very funny. It's this woman going through a documentary of all aspects of trailer park layout, food, social customs, relationships, everything.

The Velvet Devil is a one person play about a Metis woman who leaves her home to make it big as a singer in Toronto. It is all jazz music, but the actress (I can't remember her name) is an amazing singer. Blow your mind good. My mouth actually dropped open in parts. The writing is great, her talent is astounding and the story is moving.

That's it for now.

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Posted on October 2, 2000 by Karen Brownlee

Damn this business is exciting! Last night I got a call from a caller asking if I knew Pierre Trudeau had died. I yelled the news to everyone in the newsroom and in a matter of minutes, we were providing special live coverage of reactions, updates, etc. The whole building jumped into action, each person scrambling to find whatever they could and co-ordinating everything with our Saskatoon newsroom. People were running, yelling, jumping, jotting down notes. Everyone in sales, creative department, etc. ran down to see what was going on. What an adrenaline rush!

My new host, Susan Einarrson, is great! We think exactly alike. She is me (I hope) in 20 years. I have a lot more responsibility now because I'm the senior person on the show plus they keep finding more roles for me to fill (anchor, operator, researcher for other programs) Busy, busy, busy.

Susan and I went on a province-wide tour, so she could get familiar with her new home. (She's from B.C.) Yorkton (yawn) and Fort Qu'appelle (beautiful) first, then Moose Jaw (great...see review) and then off to Saskatoon. I spent a couple of days at work with Regan and Jeff. Then we went up to Prince Albert and North Battleford. We met and interviewed a lot of great people, saw some beautiful little known spots of the province. Coming home, I thought "I'm really proud to show Susan my province".

She was sick for the first three days with "prairie sickness". She wasn't used to the wide open space. I had to keep explaining we don't need to build on every little patch of land, this isn't Vancouver and explaining how I could tell the difference between Indian kids and Asian kids. Until I met her, I never realized how different B.C. is from Saskatchewan.

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Posted on August 25, 2000 by Karen Brownlee

I've had a couple of days off and that really helped. Most of the stress I was feeling was because of who I was working with (Margaux), but now that I have a new start here, I am really excited. A new host has been hired and I am really looking forward to working with her. (Anyone in Regina, this is between you and me. I haven't heard a public announcement yet, although everyone in CJME knows.)

As for the social part of work, now that I have more time to breathe and I'm not running a whole show, I'm getting to know everyone much better. It's really the Z99 guys that I still don't know that well.

Hey what about this "Survivor" craze? Is it news? People are crazy about and I know we talk about at work every Thursday, but.... Anyways, talk to you later.

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Posted on August 18, 2000 by Karen Brownlee

I can tell you now what I will be doing next here at CJME. As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, Margaux Watt, the host of my show, is leaving for CBC radio in Winnipeg. Today (Thursday) is her last day. Until a new host is in place, I will be reporting and doing weekend anchoring. When someone is hired to replace her (and I have no idea when that will be), I will go back to producing the show, as well occassionally anchoring.

My career is going in a direction I didn't not anticipate. I didn't plan to work in radio. It really felt like an alien world when I first started here, but I feel more comfortable lately. A lot of the people here are super-personalities ... very outgoing... which is appropriate for radio.

It was a little overwhelming because I had so much to learn to do my job ... the technology, the software, the schedules, etc., etc., etc. ... and then to try fit in socially. Until I'm really comfortable with someone, I'm not really the most outgoing person. I like to be an observer until I get a sense of what's happening and then I'll jump in. Some I don't think understood that. I think I'm kind of a mystery around here.

I also really miss writing. I don't think I realized how much writing is a part of my identity until lately. I think that might be part of the reason I feel a little lost. I want to freelance, but I don't have time. I've been trying to figure out how I could make time, but I don't see how really. I've been writing poetry lately, but not often enough.

Other news though ... Brad and I know we are getting married at Kenosee Lake (aka Moose Mountain Provincial Park, my home) on Sept. 1, 2001. It will be an outdoor evening wedding in the gardens of the stone chalet. More details to come.

Keep in touch. I miss you guys.

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Posted on June 28, 2000 by Karen Brownlee
Congratulations to Kristen, Kim and everyone else. Sounds like Kim and Dave are making more progress on wedding plans than Brad and I. All we know is it will be in Kenosee sometime in August or September of 2001.

Life at CJME is good. It's a lot more stressful than the Science Centre. At the Science Centre, I had too much time and not enough to do. Here, I don't have enough time for all I have to get done, even though I'm generally here for 10 hours a day.

I stay in regular contact with Regan and Jeff through work. I don't know about them, but I'm supposed to be the leader of the show and make it my own. My ideas, my judgement. My host, Margaux, is leaving in August, so things will really change then. So far, no word on who the new host could be, but I will keep my current job. I'm supposed to train the new person.

Ken, I'm coming to Winnipeg the weekend of the 8th (?), so I'll call you. Regan and Jeff, I'm coming to S'toon on the 17th, so I'll try catching up to you. All you other Regina people, where did you go? Let's get together sometime soon for drinks.

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Posted on May 22, 2000 by Karen Brownlee
I did get a job. I'm starting as the producer of the Margaux Watt show on Tuesday, May 23. I've been interviewing for the last month. They offered me the job awhile ago, but the pay was shit (oops, there's the potty mouth again). I've been negotiating my salary for the last couple of weeks. They finally offered me nearly what I was asking so I took it. It was sad to leave the Science Centre. I almost smuggled the iguana out, cause I'm going to miss him, but I'm looking forward to this new job. It's exactly what I was hoping for as a first job.

When I get there, I'll send you a new e-mail address so I can keep in touch a little better.

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Posted on May 18, 2000 by Heather Prystay

I can confirm that Karen did get the job with CJME, but I won't go into detail as she will probably be contacting you this weekend once she's near a computer and I'm sure she wants to spread her own good news.

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Posted on May 5, 2000 by Regan Wallin
Karen was offered the Margaux Watt producer job at CJME... I haven't talked to her since so don't know for sure if she accepted?

Note: This is Chad. This is such exciting news! Let's get a confirmation on this one folks so we can congratulate Karen!

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