Class of 2000

David Freeman

The Graduates

Bonnie Allen
Ginette Benoit
Michele Bossaer
Chad Boudreau
Karen Brownlee
Pat Cabel
David Freeman
Kerri Hamel
Kristen Higgins
Jennifer Leask
Jill MacPherson
Lisa Marcinowski
Jeff Maser
Heather Polischuk
Kevin Pratt
Heather Prystay
Kim Smith
Marina Solovieva
Darren Steinke
Marcus Syrotiuk
Stephen Tipper
Renee Tratch
Lisa Unrau
Regan Wallin
Ken Wiebe

The Profs

Jill Spelliscy
Larry Todd
Jim McKenzie
Roy Bonisteel
Patricia Bell
Wendy Tebb
Lindsay Crysler
Renee Pellerin


Main Index

Current Location

Fort Frances, Ontario

Posted on December 1, 2002 by Dave Freeman

I thought I would let everyone know how I'm doing. First, for those of you I didn't talk to before I left Regina, I am in Fort Frances Ontario. Northwestern Ontario. I am back into reporting for the quasi daily/weekly paper (the weekly is the Fort Frances Times and the daily is the Daily Bulletin). It is good. The town is a small pulp mill town - population roughly 12,000 including the surrounding rural area and First Nations. It's on the cusp of where prairie meet Canadian Shield. Great fishing and outdoor activities. Anyway, It's only about 9 hours from Regina, surprisingly. I have been here since Sunday and have just found a place to live. I am renting a two bedroom house which is very nice - and almost luxurious compared to some of the rental properties I looked at! My new e-mail is and my new phone number is 807-274-0019. No I'm not the nineteeth person in town! Just so you know, my phone number won't be effective until after Friday. Hope all is well and let's keep in touch.

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Posted on June 7, 2002 by Dave Freeman

Just a quick note to fill everyone in on one of our classmates. Everyone remember Dave Simon? Well, he has changed his name to reflect his biological father's name - not sure of the history here just that's why - and he has another accomplishment. He finished a book about Africa about a year ago and was doing some film making, well he has another film out that will be on the WTN network this Thursday at 10 pm. See Will Chabun's column in today's LP for more on it and I also have a weekender that appeared a few weeks back with more info.

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Posted on December 1, 2001 by Dave Freeman

Hi everyone! Thought if was time I crawled out of the darkness of cyberspace and gave y'all an update.

Well, since the last posting things haven't changed a whole lot. My new job is keeping me really busy. There is a lot of work related to launching an e-zine and right now I am also spearheading a complete re-design of our website - hopefully it will come to fruition in 4-6 months! The job is still a contract position, but it looks pretty good that I will become permanent in the Spring... hopefully, I guess. There are days I wished I was out there chasing the story working at a newspaper or such, but I realize it isn't always the way we picture it or want it - Jill can attest to that, as I am sure others can....

The most exciting thing that has happened to me lately was my holiday last month. I took a week (9 days) and went to Phoenix to visit my Uncle. He planned a five day hike through the Grand Canyon and my cousin from Ontario and his wife joined us. It was a great time. I also got to spend some time exploring Phoenix and take in a Coyotes/Avalanche hockey game. Most exciting, however, was being able to attend Game Two of the World Series! It was amazing, even though they wanted $8.50 US for a pint of Labatt Blue! We had great seats, 11 rows up on the field between first base and the bull pen. I was two feet from catching a fly ball! It was definitely one of the best holidays I have ever experienced. Now I am really excited about getting out and doing some hiking/camping/canoeing ASAP!

The other reason I finally saw fit to write in is that Regan and I have been throwing the idea around about having a New Years get together. I know that most people probably already have plans or live too far away/visit relatives and can't make it. But for those of you out there that would be interested, the plan is shaping up like this. We go up to Prince Albert National Park and stay either at a hotel in Waskesiu (I should be able to secure some reduced rates/pkg deal with x-country skiing...) or share a cabin in the area (like Elkridge Resort). I am looking into the costs but would like an idea of who might be interested etc. A better idea of numbers would help me negotiate and might make the difference in the size of accommodations I secure. Activities I am exploring include x-country skiing, snowmobiling and dog sledding. We would spend the night of the 30th and 31st there and leave on the 1st (probably after sleeping in!). Well, there it is. Please e-mail me ASAP. I am hoping to make the necessary arangements by the early part of the second week of December. The costs are all unknown at this time, but if we were to rent a cabin that sleeps 10-12 and had that many people, it would probably be about $20 a person. The hotel would be more than that and the activities would be above that...

Well I think that's about it. I hope to hear from you all soon. Call me if you wish, my number is 546-3224! Talk to you soon,

Ciao for now.

Here are two pics from Dave's journey...

Pic 1
Pic 2

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Posted on September 12, 2001 by Dave Freeman

I have just been told that I am the successful candidate for a 6 month position here at Tourism Saskatchewan. As some of you may be aware, my contract is complete on Oct. 5/01. The person who had this job is returning and I must give it up, reluctantly. However, a new position - albiet temporary - has been created for me and I have finally received word that the job is mine (another person in the office applied and I had to go through a very exhausting interview/exam session for the position as a result). Anyway, the position is tentatively being called Web Publicity Coordinator, though the job description isn't defined completely yet. I will get to provide assistance for the possition I have been in for 18 months now as well as publish an e-zine on tourism that will be e-mailed to willing recipients and travel media on a regular basis. As well, I will be doing a lot of web page design/updating for our main site and possibly future sites dedicated to the media and the travel trade. I will keep everyone informed when I know more about it. It is exciting - though I don't want to become strictly a programmer. I have some ideas on how I can make this position grow, but if that isn't how they want to proceed, I may just scratch that itch I spoke of and go back to reporting. I guess we'll wait and see.

Well, I should go. I want to congratulate Kim and Karen on their weddings. I hope all is well and hope to see you both soon here in the Queen City. Congrats also to Bonnie on her new position with the Corp. I may not write in, but I do read regularily. I hope Jen is liking it in Edmonton, and I look forward to seeing her and Ginette when they travel back for the journalism conference. I hope everyone else is taking care. Keep in touch and talk to you soon,


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Posted on January 13, 2001 by Dave Freeman

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

I just thought I would add to the Dave Simon hysteria. I saw Dave last week. He came into our office here at Tourism. It turns out he is nearly complete his book and the graphic designer here is doing Dave's cover, freelance. Anyway, I got to see him, ask him what it's like in Africa and see his most recent interviews on local tv - he had them with him for us to view. He is returning to Africa in the next couple weeks to finish shooting. He is working on a deal with SCN and others to broadcast it, etc. He has two stories he has been working on. One is on the Ebola outbreak, the other is on Displacement camps. The film footage looked good, for those of you who remember him to be less than stellar with the camera. I guess he's improved. He seems to be doing well for himself, loves doing what he's doing and has plans for a series on Canadians working abroad. Very interesting. I did give him the web address so he could check out this site and send a posting to Chad. That is why I didn't mention it right away. I told him we would all like to know what the Black Sheep of the class was up to... Well hopefully he will still do so, I know he can explain better what he is up to than I. Well, that is all for now. Don't be strangers in 2001! See ya all soon! Ciao.

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Posted on December 19, 2000 by Dave Freeman

Season's Greetings Everyone!!!! I have been MIA for way too long, so I thought I would update everyone on my life. For those of you who don't care, scroll to the bottom.

I am still working for Tourism Saskatchewan. My contract was extended to Oct. 2001 and included a raise in pay. I am doing the same job I was this summer, and I am a bit surprised at the pace of my tourism job even in December! I do like this job, despite not doing enough writing. To supplement, I am writing for the next edition of Cornerstones (an historical book on Regina's buildings and people). Pam Cowan was doing this in the past. Hopefully other writing and photography opportunities will surface in the New Year. Speaking of which, I also did some photography for the French weekly newspaper (the same one Ginette was at, L'Eau Vive). I got to shoot the home games for the Riders for the last half of the season. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I got little in return but a photo credit.

As for the holidays, I am returning to Marshall to spend Christmas with my folks. I plan to leave on Dec. 22. I am not sure exactly what else I will do before returning to work Jan. 3, but I do plan on being in S'toon for New Year's Eve, so if anyone else wants to get together drop me an e-mail. Speaking of which, I do have a new e-mail above and beyond my tourism one and hotmail account. It is: Go figure, huh?

Well, keep in touch y'all, and have a safe, and happy New Year. (Oh, and all you Regina residents... Let's try to keep in touch more. I've seen Buck in S'toon more than I've seen you Kim. Are you still around? Of course I am as much to blame, but...)

Ciao for now.

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Posted on August 25, 2000 by Dave Freeman
Hello everyone! I guess it's been awhile since I posted anything to the site. I do check it everyday, though. The summer has been very busy for me.I guess that makes sense in the tourism industry! Things here are still in the air. My contract is up on Oct. 6, but there is a chance I might be around for another year if the woman on mat. leave decides to take a year off (there is aready no chance of a job share situation as of today).

So,I am waiting to hear, but I am not just sitting on my ass. I have been applying for jobs all over. I don't know if everyone has heard or not, but Lisa Schmidt is leaving the LP for CP in ottawa. So, Andy is confident they will be hiring in the next little while (They can't let the staff get any thinner in that newsroom. There hasn't been a posting yet.)

Anyway, I am keeping my options open. If you feel like replying, I have a question: Do you think another complete year in this job will hurt/limit my chances at entering the world of reporting in the future?

The only other news I have is that I have moved... again! It's a long story, worthy of a beerhall and some nachos. My new number is 546-3224 so anyone that wants to drop me a line I await your call! (Especially those of you in Regina! Karen... my mom tells me you phoned her for my Regina number, but you didn't call. What happpened? It must have been before I moved... I never got my messages from those girls... Well, that's about all that is new in my little world. Talk to you soon!

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Posted on May 29, 2000 by Chad Boudreau
I heard this little piece of news at the J-school open house. Dave can be heard chatting with Colin Grewer on CBC Radio every second week. Dave has 8 minutes (I think) to tell Saskatchewan about upcoming tourism events.

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Posted on May 18, 2000 by Dave Freeman

I am looking for a place to live come June 1, so if anyone knows someone who needs a roommate, let me know. I have a couple of options right now that are pending the purchase of a new vehicle. Yup, I am going to sell Sputnik. I need a truck for moving in the future (as most of us out there can relate) and so I can pull my fishing boat around this summer. Besides Sputnik is beginning to fall out of orbit. I will talk to everyone in the future, and if you're in town for Convication, you had better call.

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Posted on May 17, 2000 by Heather Prystay

It's good to see Dave's enjoying life in Regina... does it have anything to do with the young lady he was spotted escorting to a movie last Tuesday? (A Sandra Bullock movie, no less) Details, Dave??

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Posted on May 2, 2000 by Dave Freeman

I am in Regina! (So anyone that is still here please call me and we can get together!) I am working, as many of you know, at Tourism Saskatchewan. I would be happy to explain what it is I am doing if you contact me! I am very busy with work, but it still beats having an assignment due! I will be moving and probably changing my phone number at the end of the month, so anyone still in town please touch base so I know how to get in touch with you. Talk to you all later.

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