These are just some pictures that I thought were pretty cool
The people responsible for all of Wabeno's gang related crime
The way Tiff, Charity, Becky and I usually dress to go shopping- that or Homecoming, I can never remember...
...ah, not so cool.?Tongue shot #1
Frank and Brandon doing...what?
Becky, Lana and Jessie with their lego bridge that they were so proud off...I'm sure they remember my later attempt at the same thing!
Jessie and Carrie
Too cool.?I like your shades Charity!
Mary and Sam being very lady-like
Ok, here is your proof people.?How many times did I tell you that Elvis lived??Bet you're all eating your words now- heh heh heh.?I was right!
I don't think that this needs any explanation
Is Jason Bunton just a little to close to Jason Peterson?
Icebreakers- The Ice King and Ice Bear.
Aka:?Ms Piggy #1 and Ms Piggy #2
Cute, very cute Eric.
Tongue Shot #2
And the sad one...goodbyes at Green Bay Airport.?I notice that some people are smiling a little TOO much
And my favorite....
...I've shrunk it so hopefully it isn't as offensive...
...Anyway here it is...
Ya like it?
Well, thanks everyone for making my stay so great, you were all so fantastic.?And offcourse a BIG BIG BIG THANKYOU to Don, Colleen, Dana (the other strange one), Becky, Dan, Charity, and Tiff,?without who I would not have had such a great time, I know that for a fact!?It takes a lot to open your home and lives to a stranger, and you guys did it so well.