Bangladeshi Flag
Thank you so much for stopping by. First, I created this web site for my E-commernce class which I took at University of North Texas in the summer of 1999. Later on, I modified this site from time to time whenever I get some time. After gratuationg from UNT, I started working at GRSNetwork, Inc , Sausalito, California,USA as System Admnistrator and have been with this company from June 2000 til now. I love GRS very much, It is ceratainly a great company to work for. Finally, I have very last thing to give you all. Do you eager to know....? Well, I am getting married with a wonderful girl on earth, my sweet heart Silvy Shona. I love her to death. And I can devote my whole life for her. She is such a wonderful girl. Our marriage ceremony will be held on 23rd of December, followed by wedding reception on December 25, Insa Allah. Please pray for us.