The Ode to Potatoes Page

That's right, you're not just seeing things



History of this Webpage

History of Potatoes

Pics of the Family

The Playground

Potato Anatomy 101

So You Want to Grow A Potato, Huh?

The Sweet Potato/Yam Controversy

Useless Facts TYWPBONK


Coming Soon!!! (or as soon as I've finished them)

The BIG Potato vs. Potatoe debate

Potato Guns

Links to Sites with Potato Recipies (and some of my own, too)


Tribute to the Potato Famine

This page wouldn't be in existence without...

The Potato's Arch Nemeses: The Potato Beetle, Spongospora, and The Scab



People have been here since this page was last updated on 7/24/00