My Testimony

Hey, the following is quite breathtaking. It will take a long time to read. So be forewarned!

This is my testimony, a testimony as to how I came to Christ. I do not profess to be a 'Jesus freak', as some people in the West may call Christians to be. What I believe is that we are one people in Christ; that we are called to be His people in this world; that if we believe in Christ and Christ alone, we will come to God our Father and shall have eternal life. It does not matter what race or nationality you belong to. That is the great thing about having a loving heavenly Father!

I first came into contact with Christianity when I was at the age of 13. It took place in the school I went to in Singapore – St. Andrew's. Being an Anglican school, it is natural for the school chapel to conduct evangelistic meetings to reach out to the new batch of students. It was the first time I came to know Christ, and I am really happy to know that there is a caring Father up there. For the first time, my heart warmed up for no apparent reason and I was so happy that I decided to raise my hand up when they asked everyone if there was any who was willing to seek Him. Raised my hand I did but to go up and receive the prayer of salvation I fail to. Indeed my courage fell through knowing full well that I do have the answer there.

I live in a family where love is never shown outwardly. I live in a family that is not well to do, which is considered lower middle class by Singapore standards. I live with family members who are rather insular in nature. I live with a sister who gets angry for no apparent reason, and who thinks of herself as high and mighty. I live with a father who works hard for the family and does not come back home until late in the night, and goes out early the next day to work. I live with a mother who tries to look after the family, who oversees both my sister and my lives, who tries to control both of us so that we will not be misled.

Now when I got back from school that very first day I went to the chapel, I became so excited about Christ that I told my mother and sister about everything. About how we will be donating voluntarily our money to the church so that we can help people, about this person called 'Christ'. Remembering that I was only 13 then, my sister and mother probably thought of this as a new and fresh experience, something that I share with them to sort of brighten up their lives. From then onwards, I did not actually think too much about Christianity actually. I was more preoccupied with other things: taking on a new identity in a new school, making friends, attempting to get good marks to get to the top class, trying to plan out my future, going out with friends, and so on. I did not consider God any longer, although I still attend weekly chapel services, although the pastor there still talked to me and invited me for a series of meetings, although my friends still gave me brochures about various Christian activities. It just does not occur to me that I will have more joy in these activities rather than the way I was.

When I was a year wiser, I received a small pocket Bible that was a present from the school. I was happy to receive it. The words however were small. Still, it was something that I am happy to have. One day, I was talking to my sister. I do not know why, but we came to the topic of Christ, and I told her about the chapel once again, and about the Bible that I have just received. I don't know what she was thinking about, but a few weeks later it came as a surprise to me when she announced to mother and me that she has decided to become a Christian. My sister is more headstrong and stubborn than me; even my mother cannot do anything about it sometimes. So my sister got her way, and she started to attend church regularly every Sunday. So it came to pass that every Sunday morning there would only be my mother and I at home. My father will be out at work as usual.

Then one Sunday, that rare Sunday when my father was at home, my parents decided to stop my sister from attending church. I do not know what is the actual reason, if there is one. All I overheard is my mother telling my sister that she cannot go to church because she needs to study for her exams, which is approaching. Well my sister made a lot of fuss, and she really cried and argued. Still my parents prevailed for the day and my sister sulkily returned to bed. Relations between them have been tense since. Even my sister's Bible was confiscated and I had to lend her the small pocket Bible that I got from school.

It was at that time that my awareness for God began to surface again. I like to sing the hymns that we have every morning and evening before and after school. Hymns like Amazing Grace and Glorious Things of Thee Art Spoken. After that particular Sunday, the following day, we were singing a hymn as usual. I was angry with God that such a thing should happen in my family, and I argued with Him in my mind. Why must you do this to my sister? Why must you let such a thing happen? Harboring such thoughts, I decided that I would not sing the words ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ or ‘Lord’ whenever they appear. A childish thought then, but it really struck me as being reasonable.

Perhaps it was the Holy Spirit, or maybe it was my understanding. Nevertheless, it struck me gradually that I should not be doing this. The hymn would have lost its quality, its nice sounds that I love to listen to. A few weeks later, I decided not to carry this further. I made an effort then to sing louder and better, so as to make up for the loss before. The situation at my home just got worse. My mother started to keep tabs on my sister tightly. She made sure that she knows her whereabouts, and that she comes home from school straight away. And her tongue will always be lashing at my sister should she start sulking or should she play any of those Christian tapes she has.

Life resumes back to normal after a while. Yet how long did that 'while' take to appear! Both my mother and sister got on speaking terms, yet their relationship is never the same again. My sister got distant from my mother, and from my father and me as well. She kept more to herself, talking over the phone far longer than talking to any of the family members. Life passes on as usual for me. I have no more thoughts about Christianity, although I still attend chapel regularly and talked to the pastor at times after service or when I meet him downstairs at the canteen. Yet how I long to attend a church service someday! My heart just pulled whenever the pastor invited me over to church on any particular Sunday. Yet when I thought of my mother and her forbidding looks and talks about how Christianity will cause me to ostracise people and become cold, I would be hesitant and reluctant. And I will cry at nights when I am awake.

I took my 'O' levels at 16 - the stage where I develop growing awareness. A time when I start to find out more about the world around me. My sister got into a polytechnic, and was enjoying her later months of her first year when I decided to apply for a junior college, or what Americans will call, high school. God was kind to me. I got far better results than I would expect, and managed to get into one of the top five colleges in Singapore. It was at this college that I met a graduate of the college who came back to do evangelistic work.

There was nothing special about her approach, nor anything unusual about her. She approached us asking if we would want to do some self-assessment tests. I do not really recall much about whatever happened after. I know that both my friend and I did them, but when it came to hearing the analysis, I was the only one who could make it. Somehow the conversation turned to Christianity and she invited me to one of her fellowship meetings. I was hesitant, but decided to take the plunge. So I attended one of the meetings, and I really enjoyed it. Although I do not understand why one of them would choke over the bread during communion at that time! Yet I did not really pursue any further, and this friend of mine gradually lost contact with me as time goes by, because of her studies.

However at that time I started to consider myself as a Christian. I would tell my friends that I am a Christian whenever they ask me. However when they ask me if I have a church, I would tell them that it is not necessary to attend a church even though you are a Christian! It was just a cover then. Yet gradually I came to believe in what I was saying as well, and none of my few Christian friends invited me to their churches anymore.

Time flew by ... I got involved in college life and had fun. Problems, studies, and friendship problems … all these come and go. Christianity was not exactly at the top of my priorities as well. I sat for my 'A' Level papers, and took the longest break from studies I ever have. I got a job as a packer for a month before I was supposed to enter the Army for my National Service, and it still did not dawn onto me that I could really read the Bible during this period of time while I was free.

It was God's plans that I meet another person who helped me in my search for Christ. She is an insurance agent, and still is, though she is working with World Vision currently. She came knocking to my flat one day, to sell some insurance policy. I was already thinking ahead about my financial status, how I am going to pay for my university fees, which scholarships should I apply for and so on. So when she came in it was a good timing as I could think further about my future. What a surprise. We did not talk about insurance after that first meeting. I remember we talked about Christianity soon after our first meeting. 18 ... and talking to another older person when you don't even know her well! Still, I did not make any decision then to follow Christ. She wrote to me in a letter then, wishing me well in my search for Him. I was touched really, despite the fact that I did not buy any policy from her, and yet she still maintained contact with me then. It is a shame that I broke off the contact a little after I entered the Army, because of the hectic lifestyle.

God was again kind to me. I got good results for the 'A' levels. Good enough to apply for a scholarship for overseas studies. I was debating whether I should apply for a local or overseas scholarship then. Somehow something inside me prompted me to apply for an overseas scholarship. So against my mother's protests, I applied for an overseas scholarship to five organisations. Throughout that period of time when I alternate between training in the Army for five days and attending scholarship talks and interviews and reading up brochures on overseas studies, I did not for one moment consider what it would mean for a search in my faith. What I know is that I will be able to have a certain amount of freedom, that I will be able to study overseas and have an experience not many will have. And how true it is soon to be.

I came to United Kingdom in the autumn of 1996. Having obtained a scholarship successfully, my newfound friends and I landed in London, eager to explore and eager to see. We soon settled quickly in the city, though not quite accustomed to the slower pace of life in England as a whole. It was here that I finally get the chance to attend church services. Yet it was not with joy that I attend them. Rather I was 'forced' to attend them because everyone in my flat has decided to attend one of the morning services, and since they found out that I consider myself as a Christian, they asked me to come along.

Sermons come and go. They seem like lectures to me. Still, I enjoy the hymns, the nice feeling of being in a church with a unique architecture. There was however a sense of spiritual deadness within me. Do I see myself as a Christian still then? Yes, maybe. My friend had been urging me to attend a fellowship group back then, and yet I was hesitant. All these years of hesitance and fear of my mother has actually made me dead and hesitant about joining such activities, even though I am now in London alone and away from my family. The best was yet to come though.

I am socially active in London. I go to disco functions, enjoy cookouts with friends, and love attending any formal events if I have the chance to. And it was in such a social event that I finally meet someone - that someone who pointed me to Christ; someone whose approach had a special effect onto me. I got a ticket to attend a Singapore function held in one of the hotels in London. My other two flat mates got tickets as well. With excitement – since it was the first formal function that I am going to - we attended the function promptly.

Dinner was good. The wine was good. There was a lot of joking and exchanges of well wishes as we came to see people we have not seen for quite some time. A variety show was put up, and we had the chance to enjoy each other's company in a Singaporean setting. We took a lot of photos as well. We people were just so crazy over photos because it was the first time we see each other in formal outfits.

It was while taking photos that I saw that person. We are complete strangers, to be honest. I approached her group in the first place, and started talking to those other people in the group because I happened to know them. And all of a sudden, she started talking to me when she heard my name being mentioned. 'You know so and so, don't you?' was that starting line. So we talked, but for a little while. Strangers, you see. Why would you want to talk to a stranger for anything longer than a few seconds?

God does not let that pass. If anything, He was more determined to pull me in. She came by a little later, standing beside me. Both of us starting talking again as the music starts to play. All my friends were on the dance floor, while I was down there talking to a perfect stranger whom I have only acknowledged a while ago! The usual talk, the usual jokes, the usual conversation topics that we will have. And then, I sprouted that question that is to lead me on for days to come: "Are you a Christian?" And then I started telling her all about me not being baptised, that I am a Christian, that I attend church here but not in Singapore, and so on and so forth. She looked at me, and then started to share with me her situation, which is remarkably similar to mine. We have so many things in common! Now, is that strange or what?

We maintained contact after that night through emails. At first it was just some sort of casual emails, emails asking after each other, emails with stories attached to them. Gradually, however I started to share with her many things that I do not share with other people. Things like how I used to steal when I was young, how I used to cheat, how I used to get back at people. It just came out. I got depressed and she sensed it. An invitation to her place followed. I agreed.

It was fairly cool, not cold, when I went up to Leeds. Bright, yet not entirely sunny. She was sitting at the coach station waiting for me. I almost could not recognise her. She looks a little different from that night I saw her. Well, different times and different environments. We had a bit of small talk all the way to her church, where she had a practice going on ... time passed, and soon I was at her house, where she cooked dinner for her flat mate and me. We had a good time over dinner, but the real matter is yet to come.

We sat at the living room after dinner and started talking. It all came. I told her about my other sins, how a male music exam teacher tried making advances at me, how I got so repulsed by that to the extent that I could not play the piano, my other sins ... it came, and I really cried my heart out. The answer was obvious. Trust in Him, and He will cleanse me. I struggled with that, really. If not for the insistence of my friend to think, I would probably have tried dodging the issue. Trust, I did. I put my faith in Him, and we had a prayer about this. I confessed my dependence on Him, and profess there and then to be a disciple of Christ.

No miracles, no bursts of lights or anything like that, just a heavy burden that persisted even after I confessed. Whatever happened to all the fantasy things I heard and read in the Bible? It’s all right for me. Miracles just start happening after I came back to London. My few small problems were resolved almost immediately from the time I stepped into London. I was able to share with the fellowship group after that, and I am able to be a good light to my flat mates, who have not been walking with God for a long time. I have really grown spiritually, to the extent that many people are surprised that I am changed. Am I a good light to the world now? Not really. I still have much more to learn and to go.

My mother was upset when I revealed to her my decision a few weeks after I believed. It was a turbulent time for me over summer when I was in Singapore. In fact, it was like this every time I came back for holidays. Sometimes I just wish I were back in London, pursuing my dreams and serving God actively. Yet I know this is not the case. God wants me to go back to Singapore, because that is where He wants me to be. In fact, He has given me many assurances when I am in trials I do not comprehend. ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5) He has blessed me many times, and has delivered me from situations too. Yet I know that the most precious gift in all of eternity He has given me is the salvation and the promise of eternal life. One I would never receive from anyone else in this earthly life. I still strive to be the person He wants me to be, and by God’s grace, you shall see me in that perfect form when we are all in heaven meeting up with our Abba Father!

Are there any troubles you are having? Is there anything that you would want to know more? I invite you to email to me, so that you will come to know more about Him. There are no monetary costs to following Him. There is only one: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.' (Matthew 16:25) So where are you today, friend?

Thank you for being so patient by reading through right to the end. Now do you have any questions?

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