What happens when Shane Meier meets his biggest fan?

Trouble that's what!

Callie was rolling her eyes at yet another e-mail from Robin on the SOT mailing list when she heard a knock on the front door of her dorm at the art school she was going to in Florida. Getting up she told her roommate Danielle to watch the computer while she answered the door.

Upon reaching the door, Callie opened it to find the biggest surprise of her life. "D-Danielle!!!" she stammered. "Get out here!!"
Danielle walked out and said, "What is i--oh my God..."
Shane said, "What? It's not like you don't see me every week or something..." Neither of the girls were listening.

They'd both passed out cold.

Callie awoke looking at Danielle still out cold. She got to her feet and wandered into the kitchen, where she found Shane rummaging through the cupboards. "You got anything halfway decent to eat in here?" he asked.
"We're college students," Callie said wryly. "We do not know the meaning of decent food." Shane gave her a look and they both cracked up.

It was about that time that Danielle woke up and she yelled, "Cal, tell me I was dreaming!" Shane glanced at Callie then yelled back, "No you weren't!" Callie giggled when she heard another thud, which meant that her roommate, who had never fainted in her life before today, was out cold for a second time.

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