My El Salvador Page

This page is dedicated to what has been one, if not the, greatest experiences of my life.  I am very thankful that I was able to go to such a wonderful place and to do so with some of Sacred Heart's finest students and teachers.

I just wanna say thanks to everyone who made this experience so wonderful and I will never be able to express my true emotions.  If I could sum it up on one word, it would have to be awesome. It was great and many things left me in awe.  Also, I'd like to thank all those who have gone on previous delegations. If it wasn't for them and all the successs they had, this trip would no longer happen.  They were the ones who paved the way for others to go.

I have always believed that one should be greatful with what God has blessed for them for someone is worse off than you are.  After this trip, I was able to see how fortunate we truly are to live in the country that we do.  I know its something that many say, but unless you experience the other side of the spectrum, you have no clue how fortunate you really are. 

I think no matter if I go back or not, a part of me will always stay there.  The people, the land, and of course the food (gotta love cashews and Pilsener) were such awesome things to experience, well most of it.  It is very hard to let go of something that has truely touched your heart.

Another thing that I learned is that the most happy people are those that have less.  Since they are not attached to material goods as much, they don't suffer trying to gain more.  Greed doesn't consume them.  They are happy with what they have and never seem to complain.

As I think back on everything, its amazing on people are able to bond thanks to Saturday Night Live, the Austin Powers movies, and Dumb and Dumber.  I really miss sitting back after a long day and drinking a beer while talking to your friends.

Anyway, here are some links to various stuff.  I plan on putting pictures soon and also the list of "You know your in El Salvador when..." and a list of favorite quotes.  The web site won't let me upload the pictures I've scanned so I'll need more time with the pics. Until then, I hope you like what little bit is here so far and, as always,
e-mail me with any suggetions or ideas that you think would be cool to put up on the page or just tell me how much this sucks and how I should do it instead.

El Diario is a major El Salvadorian newpaper that is online.  Click
here to view it.

I know how much everyone loves Pilsener.  I found a link for it at El Diario's website so I had to put it on this page. There is also an english section which helps us "Gringos" a lot.  For the guys, they have wallpaper of those lovely Pilsner models. Click
here to view the site.

I've also added a map.  For those of you who didn't go, we stayed by Usulutan.  It gives you an idea of the size, its neighbors, the terrain, and the various cities of El Salvador.

MMM...Philsner   :)