Some of Theta Xi'S Most Successfull Men

Oliver C. Noileau, Jr. - Past CEO, General Dynamics Corporation
Philip N. Buckminster - Former Vice President, Chrysler Corporation
Daniel W. Castello - Senior Vice President, American Express Corporation
James R. Davis - Cartoonist, Creator of "Garfield" commic strip
Thomas W. Dawson - Vice President, CBS Radio
Carl A. Gerstacker - Chairman, Dow Chemical Corporation
Daniel J. Krumm - President, Maytag Company
Harry T. Lemmon - Justice, Supreme Court of Louisana
Malcolm M. Lucas - Chief Justice, Supreme Court Of California
Clinton L. Olson - Former U.S. Ambassador to Sierra Leone
Gene E. Everbech - Senior Vice President, American Airlines
Thomas V. Penders - Head Coach, University of texas Longhorns Basketball teamM
Colonel Joseph Pratt - Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
Frank R. Quilici - Former Manager, Minnesota Twins Baseball Club
Dr. David V. Ragone - President, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. William Richardson - President, John Hopkins University
Robert W. Schaefer - Coach, Kansas City Royals Baseball Club

Theta Xi Facts

58 Chapters
3 Colonies
55,000 Initiated Brothers
135 years old
Founded April 29, 1864 at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fraternity Headquatyers is located in St. Louis, Missouri
National Conevention held ever odd year
Regional Leadership Conferences held every Fall
Regional Educational Conferences held every Spring
National magazine - The Unicorn of Theta Xi
Grand Lodge (National Board of Directors) Composed of 7 alumni members and 1 undergraduate member
Leader in Values and Educational Programing
Only Fraternity Founded during the Civil War
First professional social Fraternity
All initiates are life members