Oliver C. Noileau, Jr. - Past CEO, General Dynamics Corporation
Philip N. Buckminster - Former Vice President, Chrysler Corporation
Daniel W. Castello - Senior Vice President, American Express Corporation
James R. Davis - Cartoonist, Creator of "Garfield" commic strip
Thomas W. Dawson - Vice President, CBS Radio
Carl A. Gerstacker - Chairman, Dow Chemical Corporation
Daniel J. Krumm - President, Maytag Company
Harry T. Lemmon - Justice, Supreme Court of Louisana
Malcolm M. Lucas - Chief Justice, Supreme Court Of California
Clinton L. Olson - Former U.S. Ambassador to Sierra Leone
Gene E. Everbech - Senior Vice President, American Airlines
Thomas V. Penders - Head Coach, University of texas Longhorns Basketball teamM
Colonel Joseph Pratt - Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
Frank R. Quilici - Former Manager, Minnesota Twins Baseball Club
Dr. David V. Ragone - President, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. William Richardson - President, John Hopkins University
Robert W. Schaefer - Coach, Kansas City Royals Baseball Club