A16 - A22
Trinity House C
Bradford University
Name - Miten Ganatra AKA Mit G-String
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
Bad Boy Gangsta
Favourite Quote's -
It's Getting Dark Man
It's all good in the Hood
Sexy Brown Thing
In a bit Seen
A shags a shag

This is Big Neil (or Freeboy as he likes to be called) talking to his spanish friend George about a phone call he has just got from the police. George had been lending his porn to Neil. The conversation ended with Neil anouncing "We've been rumbled lads" Neils e-mail (N.R.Freeman@bradford.ac.uk)
This picture shows Little Dave been beaten up by Ian the Piss Head and Me. We paused momentarally for a picture to be taken. Ians e-mail (vladtheman@hotmail.com).
Name - Neil Freeman AKA Freeboy
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
A Fluffy Baked Bean
Favourite Quote's -
What the F**k
Oh F**K
Oh Good
I'll crush her
Manus do I have a cunt?
Dave what ya doing?
Can a have a game on ya computer Dave?
Ya coming to the pub lads?
Ma mums gona have a shit!
Do ya mind if I have a wank in ya sink?
The names cunt, bald cunt
I won a beautiful baby compition once.

I sqeeze ma base
Have ya heard the one about the bald cunt?
can a have a look at your cunt?
Oh, it's f**kin ugly that
Where's the opening?
Manus a can't find the opening
Dave's f**kin prickely isn't he
Manus ya f**kin carrot
Oh a Might a F**kin Known
Oh What a F**Kin Suprise
Oh a don't like that
Oh she's got a nice pair of baps
you wouldnt get a tit wank out of her
I can last 45mins
May the Fluffy Baked Beans Rise and Become Kings
Da Dar Da Da
Na Nar Na Na

This is a picture of Ian, he passed out momentarally on Big Neils bed. At that time Big Neil's room had a terrable stench but that could have been down to the fact that he has a copy of Mayfair magazine in his draw.
This is a picture of James Guion and Big Neils Spanish friend George. They are both sat at the kitchen table and George has just finished looking at his spanish copy of Playboy.
This is a sneak picture of James cleaning. James does not like to see an untidy kitchen, and when he see's Big Neils pots and pans full of fluffy baked beans he gets PISSED OFF, and resorts to cleaning.
Name - Stephen Coulson AKA Jesus
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
Son of God
Favourite Quote's -

This picture was taken only moments after Little Dave had come out of the shower. He had been force showered fully clothed. Mit G-String is stood behind him trying to unscrew the top of his head.
This picture of Phill Daniels who played Jimmy in Quadrophenia. My friend Rossy bears a striking resemblence to him. He is ia mod, he rides a GS scooter with his hair cut neet, he wears his war time coat in the wind and sleet.
Name - Jorge Risveno AKA Big Neil's Spanish Friend
Age -
Home -
Benidorm, Spain
Room No. -
Image -
Mad Spannish Guy
Favourite Quote's -

This photo was taken outside my room as it was been invaded by Mit G-String. To the right of the picture is Ian and to the left is Mit G-String.
Name - Ian Roberts AKA Grandad
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
Russian Psychotic
Favourite Quote's -
Alright Ya Shit

This is an interesting picture because neither me nor piss head can remember what was going on. (The lens flair was added later)
In the centre of this picture is Ian (Piss Head) although this picture may sugest Ian is not a devout socialist, he is infact a libertarian socialist with a slight influence from the Neo/Marxist movement but he is definately not a comunist. To the left of the picture is Me fresh from invading East Germany and to the right is Mit G-String.
Name - James Guion AKA The Cook
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
The Boss
Favourite Quote's -
Neil do ya dishes!
Neil wipe that up!
Neil don't leave that there!
I love Star Wars
I love Star Wars Lego

A picture of everyone in our flat excluding Little Dave and Big Neil. From left to right, Ian Roberts, Me, Miten Ganatra, George (Neil's Spanish Friend), James Guion.
Name - David Saunders AKA Little Dave
Age -
Home -
Room No. -
Image -
The small Yorkshire child
Favourite Quote's -
All right
I'm gona bed
Ya great Jessie
By Eck As Lark
Goin T' Pub
Ya Southern Nancy

This picture was taken while we were working on a song; probably about fluffy baked beans.

Voclas: Ian Roberts
Guitar & Vocals: Stephen Coulson
Backing Vocals: Neil Freeman AKA Lazeeg Yag (gay geeza backwards)
Contrary to popular belief Ian on the left is actually holding a knife! This picture was taken to promote the latest Russian blockbuster.
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