Social Life
Alpha Delta Pi participates in a full social calender. These events include our own social functions, University events and activities with fraternities and other student organizations.
Alpha Delta Pi hosts four dances every year, two each semester. The first dance of the semester is our Alpha Dance, which is a welcome home dance for our newest members. The last dance of the year is Formal. Everyone looks forward to this event, which included dinner, awards and dancing.
Sisters at Black Diamond Formal
NIU sponsors each year's Homecoming festivities. Events offered include Yell-Like-Hell cheerleading/dance competition, Chalk the Town, Banner Contest, Talent Show and the Homecoming Football Game. Every year, sororities pair up with fraternities in an attempt to win the Homecoming Competitions. Alpha Delta Pi achieved this feat in 1997 with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon!
We have many events with various fraternities on campus. These include Sings, Singbacks, mixers and partners for competitions. Recent mixer themes include Halloween, 70's, Mardi Gras and Toga. We also have dinners with our event partners.
Sisters enjoy the Anchor Splash Mixer
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