

   The Eta Nu chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was installed at Northern Illinois University in March, 1971.  Prior to that time, our fraternity was a local with the letters Delta Tau Omega.  However, through the efforts of Charles L. Freeman, a past national president of Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Tau Omega became an active PIKE chapter on Northern's campus with over 50 brothers.

The early years of Eta Nu chapter saw many successes.  However, by 1975, the chapter had dwindled to only 10 members and had lost their house at 917 Greenbrier.  The house at 827 Charles Street was acquired and it was there that Pikes was to start anew.  The spring of 1976 saw a chapter of six brothers and six pledges pull together and win Tugs and Greek Week against houses of over 100 members.  The next fall saw the arrival of two transfer students and Eta Nu's largest pledge class of 13.  The following semester Eta Nu pledged 33 top men and repeated as Greek Week champions.  In July, 1977, in Memphis, Tennessee, before the assembled national brotherhood, national president Richard Ogle presented the Harvey T. Newell Award to Eta Nu as Pi Kappa Alpha's most improved chapter.

The 1980's continued to be a period of PIKE dominance on the NIU campus, winning Tugs 9 out of 10 times and being Springfest champions the last four years.  In the spring of 1985, PIKES lost a grueling Tug championship which devastated the house.  However, the next year Eta Nu won Tugs and became Springfest champs once again.  The success of Tugs was continued through 1989, a year in which Pi Kappa Alpha experienced the most successful year possible.  We won Springfest, the first All Sports Trophy, Homecoming and NIU's first Spirit Award.  Thus, Pikes had kept up the tradition of winning and dominating.

Because of the efforts of these early Pikes, Pi Kappa Alpha at NIU moved to its current location, 900 Greenbrier.  For the first time since the rebirth of Eta Nu, a working Housing Corporation came into being, making massive improvements to the new house.  The following years brought consecutive Tug and Springfest championships and greater growth of Eta Nu.

In the fall of 1991, Pikes conquered the All Sports Trophy, two softball championships, and dominated soccer and flickerball.  The success of Tugs was becoming an inspiration to all Pike athletes.  Eta Nu continued to win Springfest from 1987 - 1991.  In the Spring of 1991, Pikes took either first or second place in softball, volleyball, floor hockey, soccer, and basketball.

On April 3, 1993, while the undergraduates were once again competing against alumni during Alumni Tugs, a fire broke out at 900 Greenbrier.  With the house condemned from the blaze, the brothers of Eta Nu were scattered across campus.  Yet, with spirits undaunted, Pikes won the floor hockey championship the very next day.  With chapter meetings forced to be held in the Student Center and DuSable, Pike brotherhood was never stronger.  Eta Nu continued to win TUGS and place in softball and basketball.  With strong help from alumni, the house was totally redone and finished in time for brothers to return that August.

Eta Nu Pikes have continued their dominance well into the nineties.  After a surprising TUGS loss in the Spring of 1996, Pikes continued their "Commitment to Excellence" capturing TUGS championships in 1997, 1998, and 1999.  This past year was one of the most successful in our history- winning TUGS, the All-Sports Trophy, and Greek Physique to complete a trifecta of perfection. Pikes have now won TUGS 25 out of the last 29 years and the All Sports trophy 5 out of the last 6 years.  Eta Nu Pikes will only continue the tradition of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication that began so many years ago.
