Tabitha's Home Page
Welcome to my home page!
I am a 25 year old senior Pre-Med/Biology student at
Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. I graduated from Smiths Station High School in Smiths, Alabama in 1998. I attended my first two years of college at the University of Maine at Farmington, a small liberal arts college nestled in the foothills of western Maine.
Most of my time is taken up by school and work. I am a bartender/server at a sports bar. When I am not busy with that I enjoy spending as much time with my friends as possible. If you want to learn more about me, be sure to check out my other pages!
This page has been accessed
times since September 2, 2003
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My Genealogy Site
Pictures of me and "The Girls"
My Florida State University Seminoles Page
My Photo Album
More about me
You gotta love Winnie the Pooh!
This was my attempt at being an artist...
I will never make fun of carnies again!!!
After spending an evening at the fair in Columbus, my opinion of carnival workers was forever changed! These guys were absolutely gorgeous! What makes it even better is that they were Australian....gotta love the accent! I suggest a "Men of
All Star Amusement" calendar!
Gary's Page!!!