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This is the home page of ZAO SPF "Luminophor" - the only Russian company engaged in researches, technological developments and inorganic phosphors production for practically all application fields and also in a wide list of chemical materials for vacuum evaporation and highly-sensitive thermoindicators of melting.


Scientific production firm (SPF) "Luminiphor" Stavropol, Russia offers mutual collaboration in the field of research works in the following directions:

  1. Technology development, production and delivery of phosphors in order to create the effective sources with white emission colour based on light-emitting diodes (LED) emitting at 375-470 nm of the spectrum part.
  2. Development of technology, production and deliery of phosphors for roentgenooptical ceramics used for creation of the new generation of tomographs.
  3. Technology development, production and delivery of phosphors for gas-discharge indicator screens including phosphors for plasma display panels (PDP).
  4. Technology development, manufacture and delivery of anti-Stockes for production of vizualizators of weak (10 W/om2) and powerful (1 W/om2) IR-signals from the wavelength range of 0.8-0.85; 0.9-0.98; 1.06 and 1.5-1.6 mkm) to the nearest IR- and visible part of spectrum.
  5. Technology development, manufacture and delivery of low-voltage cathodophos-phors for flat screens including phosphors for field emission displays (FED).
  6. Technology development, manufacture and delivery of phosphors with long afterglow after cessetion of their excitation with UV-and visible part of the spectrum with afterglow time more than 24 hours.

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