For your enjoyment. . .

A couple of my favorite cartoons:

The model for communication between spouses (HA!)

Books you should read:
Never Cry Wolf
Of Men and Mountains by William O. Douglas
He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado
The Battle of Beginnings by Del Ratzsch

New birds I've seen in 2003:
Anna's Hummingbird, California
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Texas
Bell's Vireo, Texas
Black Phoebe, California
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, Texas
Black-throated Sparrow, Texas
Cactus Wren, Texas
Canyon Towhee, Texas
Canyon Wren, Texas
Cassin's Kingbird, California
Clapper Rail, California
Clark's Grebe, Colorado
Common Ground-Dove, California
Curve-billed Thrasher, Texas
Eared Grebe, Colorado
Elegant Tern, California
Elf Owl, Texas
Gambel's Quail, California
Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Texas
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Colorado
Greater Roadrunner, Texas
Inca Dove, Texas
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Texas
Lark Bunting, Colorado
Lawrence's Goldfinch, California
Least Bittern, California
Lesser Nighthawk, Texas
Long-billed Curlew, Colorado
Long-billed Dowitcher, Colorado
McCown's Longspur, Colorado
Mexican Jay, Texas
Northern Pygmy Owl, Colorado
Oak Titmouse, California
Pyrrhuloxia, Texas
Red-naped Sapsucker, Colorado
Red-necked Phalarope, California
Rock Wren, Texas
Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Texas
Sage Thrasher, Texas
Say's Phoebe, Texas
Scaled Quail, Texas
Verdin, Texas
Vermilion Flycatcher, Texas
Virginia's Warbler, Colorado
Western Sandpiper, California
Western Wood-Pewee, Colorado
White-winged Scoter, Colorado
Wrentit, California
Yellow-footed Gull, California
Zone-tailed Hawk, Texas

Some of my cool photos:

Here's my sister Sarah sky diving

My friend Ruthea on our camping trip Sept. '99
(picture taken by campfirelight)

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