First and Middle Name: Robin Lynn

Nickname: Robo, Shorty, Robino, Rabbit, Bobo, Scooby, etc.

Age: 23

Birthday:  January 24, 1981

Eye Color: Blue

Glasses or contacts: Contacts

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: Just try to get me on a scale...I dare you!

Height: 5'7

Predominant feature: People usually comment about my hair.

Looks like: Some have said Blossom, but I don't believe them.

School: UNCC Graduate

Major: Psychology

Where do you live? Charlotte, NC

Where do you want to live? I'm not sure just yet.

Hometown: That's a tricky one. I guess I'd have to say Westerville, Ohio.

Type of childhood: It was...interesting. That's all I'll say about that.

Mother: Wendy

Relationship with her: We're cool, we can usually hang out for at least 48 hours without killing each other.

Father: Charles

Relationship with him: We're pretty goofy, it's a battle of wits most of the time.

Siblings: Shannon and Matt

Pets:  2 dogs, Carmen and Macy.

Favorite color: Dodge Durango blue (500 points to anybody who knows what color I'm referring to)

Music: I'm pretty much strictly country now.

Movie: Billy Madison, Backdraft, Field of Dreams.

Actor:  Adam Sandler, Matt Damon, Robin Williams.

Food: I'm always down for a big fat steak, cooked medium-rare...yummy. Also quesadillas, and that really good cajun chicken pasta at Chili's.

Drinks: Vanilla Coke, Corona, margaritas - on the rocks, no salt, and my new favorite, Red Bull and citron. Oh yeah, don't forget the all important Jaeger Bomb!!

Sports: Baseball, woohoo!! Go D'backs!! I also follow pro and college football and basketball a bit.

Athlete:  Lenny Dykstra, Steve Finley, Brady Anderson...It is an odd coincidence that they are/were all center fielders.

My car:   1990 Camaro RS, V8, with t-tops. YAY!

Dream car:   Dodge Viper, removable hard top. Blue please! Or maybe a '68 Camaro SS? Blue with white racing stripes is preferable.

Favorite clothing: I'm all about comfort. Give me some jeans, a t-shirt and my running shoes and I'll be ready to roll.

Most at ease when: I'm driving down a deserted country road with the wind in my hair and an old familiar song on the radio.

Least at ease when: I'm standing in front of a large room full of students and professors, being forced to recite odd facts and figures on a topic I couldn't care less about.

How I feel about myself: I'm okay I guess…I'd be friends with me if I were someone else.

If granted one wish, what would it be? Right now, I just want a decent paying job that doesn't piss me off too much.

Greatest source of strength in personality: I'd like to think I'm pretty open-minded and non-judgmental, and I have a good sense of humor. That has to count for something, doesn't it?

Greatest source of weakness in personality: I'm a bit on the shy side...I think that may have put me at a disadvantage. Some may also say I'm stubborn. Who knew? hehe

Best known for:  My sarcasm. Gotta love it!!

Optimist or pessimist: Somewhere in the middle.

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

One word you would use to describe self: Silly

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