We are a group of Christian uni students at the Magill
Campus of the University of South Australia who are committed to:
Membership in Focus is for any student at the University of SA, regardless of their church or denomination, who agrees to uphold our goals and beliefs
You can E-mail
us at magillfocus@iname.com
Or fill out the response form
below and send it in.
FOCUS activities in 2000
Singing, Bible teaching, fellowship
Wednesdays, 12-1pm, room H1.10
(Opposite Campus Central)
Small group Bible study & prayer
--->Mondays, 3pm in the Kaf
--->Tuesdays 11am and 3pm in the Kaf
--->Wednesdays 11am and 3pm in the Kaf
A 6 week introduction to the Christian faith.
Times and days by negotiation
some articles from FOCUS' (mostly) regular newsletter, "Victory"
Please do our quiz. The questions will change from time
to time
Fill out this form and send it in if you're interested in finding out more.
FOCUS is a member of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES)