Cool Stuff !!!



So what does this contain. Well ! I dunno if you're gonna find this cool or not. But it is to me.

Well, it will get better. For the time being however, I have some well, interesting utilities. Not really utilities either. Some of them are Java Scripts, some applets and so on.

Well, just check it out below:


This is a cool calculator made in Java Script. Atleast it's cooler and way better than the ones I've seen so far.
Click here to get to it.

When was I born ?

No, no, I don't mean me. That's the title of this utility. Ever asked yourself that question. Well, then this handy little Java Script will tell you just that. .
Click here to get to it.

Download Time

How long will a file take to download ? I've always wanted a utility like this, especially when some sites don't give the estimated download time. This will give it.
Click here to get to it.

Have you Lived Long ?

So how long have you lived. Well, your age should give you a number. But wanna know the number of days, hours and minutes, then check this utility.
Click here to get to it.

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