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Hello!!! Welcome to my homepage!!! This is a site which collect the information of Wong Tai Sin. Have you ever been Wong Tai Sin yet? It is a very nice place. The famous Tourist attractions is Wong Tai Sin Temple. The Temple was built in traditional Chinese style. If you want to change you to lucky. You must go this place. It also many shopping centres and schools located there. I'm sorry that the site was load in English and Chinese in mixed. I am going to solve this problem soon. Now, enjoy your journey to Wong Tai Sin!!! After you finish the journey, Sign on my Guestbook and view on my Guestbook!!! This sites is a part of The Cheuk Sites United.

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嗇 色 園

wts.gif (1534 bytes)民 政 事 務 總 署 - 主 要 行 政 - 臨 時 區 議 會

logo.jpg (6732 bytes)Wong Tai Sin Temple

sr1.jpg (6912 bytes)臨時市政局Swimming Pool in Wong Tai Sin

main.jpg (20342 bytes)牛 池 灣 文 娛 中 心

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©1999 The Cheuk Sites United Productions

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since 1/4/1999

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This sites is a part of Cheuk Sites United, created by Mr.Cheuk. ©1999 The Cheuk Sites United Productions.