USL Problems & Horror Stories

The Bookstore

February 1998   Credit Cards
    In the Spring 1998, I went to the bookstore to make a small $4 purchase which I usd my debit card for.  When the cashier slid my card, and punched in the amount on her little swiper, she charged me $40 instead of $4.  Well, she did notice her mistake and did tell me she was going to credit me.  But the credit wasn't done until 5 days later.  Needless to say, every purchase I made that week overdrew, considering I only had $40 in my account.  Well, I didn't know this till I got a notice from the bank.  The NSF charges added up to over $110.  The bookstore was apprehensive to pay my charges.  Some were reversed by the bank.  The store never paid a penny to my knowledge and I still had to pay more than $50 to right my account.  My statements haven't balanced out since.

August 1998    Book Returns
    After registering and going through Drop/Add this past fall, I had several books to return as I was not in many of my original classes.  However, even thought I had all the receipts and the books that I wanted to exchange for the ones I needed for my new classes, the Bookstore at USL would not give me an even exchange.  It seemed that I was a day late (and a dollar short).  I know that that is the policy of the Bookstore, but why is that.  Why is it that less than a week into the semester a student cannot return books for a class that he/she is not registered for?  Is the University that hard up for the few extra dollars that we have?