Colonel Helmet's Highly Irregulars -- A Quick Explaination

Inspired by many bottles of booze and many, many gallons of cheap beer four old friends, separated by miles, began a novel of sorts. Now, I will not go so far as to say that it is a good story, or even well written (please reference the beer I mentioned earlier). But, I will say that I find it to be quite entertaining. The beer has had many effects on the story. Main characters sometimes die, then return in later chapters. There are even a couple of chapters that have the same label. Yes, yes, we were quite drunk, quite often.

The first chapter was written and emailed November 20th, 2001. Soon after that the second, etc. The chapters are all placed here in the order they were written and in the original authors' words. The only formatting done was to convert the story to html and make it look pretty.

I have no idea what else I can say to prepare you for this, so I will just wish you luck.

Good Luck.

Disclaimer: Some of this may be offensive to most rational people. Remember that cheap (and I mean really cheap) beer inspired most of this. So quit yer bitchin and just laugh about it. (End of Sermon)

Oh, and one more thing... The punctuation in this whole thing sometimes acts kind of funny, so sometimes quotation marks and such show up as greek symbols. I'm lucky to have figured out how to get this far, don't ask me to fix things I don't understand.

Chapter the First
Kapital Zwei
Chapter the Third
Capitolo Quattro
Kapitel Funf
Enemy Scene (chapter 6)
interlude (chapter 7)
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter the Tenth
Chapter 11
12 Chapter
Chapter 12