Many of my drawings and some of the things here can be found on my Deviant Art account.
A Ghost. O.oThe view from the courtyard at the Detroit Job Corps Center.Twinkie Lane outside the Twinkie FactoryA double rainbow as viewed from the house I grew up in.Cloudy SkySunsetWeeping Willow by a Pond
Family & Friends

Mom & DadSisMy Animal CompanionDus-ManKell-A-RooSCarræ
I was pretty depressed when I wrote this. Probably after a breakup.This is about my struggle with my conflicting natures and demeanors. Yes, I have more than one of each. I wrote this when I played football in high school. I had a crush on a guy at work and wrote this for him. No, I never gave it to him. I wrote this for my last boyfriend. Can you tell he didn’t communicate enough? This is how I feel around a hot guy. My caregiver nature just poured it’s heart out one day... I’m not sure I wrote this or coppied it off something onto a piece of paper. The series of thoughts that cross my mind when I find a guy I like. Sometimes I’m the me I don’t want to be. Fire can warm, but it also burns. If you always pretend you don’t exist, eventually you won’t. I’ll give you something to cry about! From you to me, so me to you. It feels so right.
Fiction Stories
A Schizophrenic Malkavian discovers how to be a Vampire. Quicklings stir up trouble with the Pixies. I’ve tried, but I can’t sum this story up in one sentence. It’s about vampires and such. A wind spirit is born and starts a long journey. This story was inspired by the movie <i>Species</i>. A quick background for my Adoraith D&D character. Another background story for another D&D character. This one is a little longer, tho. What if someone made a deal with the Devil AND God? A teenage boy struggles with his sexuality. A quick background for my Were Spider character in a White Wolf RPG. A young woman inherits a house with a dark secret. Trapped in safety is still trapped.
Non-Fiction Stories
This is a true story about why I broke up with my last boyfriend AND why I cry when I see kittens.
More to come!
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