Sex: none
Age: old enough to know better
Hair: blue
Eyes: red
Height: roughly 600' above sea level
Weight: cumbersome
Race: human
Nationality: american
Religion: ethical
Living Situation: homeowner
Pet(s): python & sea monkeys
Plant(s): none
iend(s): single since September 14th, 2007
Job: emergency operator
Jobs I’ve Held: babysitter, genetics lab test subject, ice cream vendor, radio DJ, nude model, fast food cook, telephone solicitor, IRS auditor, truck driver, private investigator, cellular phone technician
Things I do in my spare time: I like to do nice things for those who deserve it, listen to cool music, play card games & RPGs, go camping & fishing, draw & paint, watch cartoons, read books & comics, write stories & poems
ings I wear: glasses, fun t-shirts, baggy jeans, cool socks, funky shoes.

Why did I underline all the i's?

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