to keep a strong connection between the Collegiate Chapter
and the Aumnae Chapter!
is an Alum Chum?
An alum chum is an active area alumnae that has volunteered
to befriend one new member, and give her words of encouragement
and to share her AOII experience with her.
Who receives an "Alum
Chum? Each New Member at the Gamma Alpha
Chapter is given an Alum Chum.
How do I become an "Alum
Chum"? Usually after pinning, we'll
send a note out to the NOVA mailing list for volunteers!
So don't miss your chance!
What is required of an "Alum
Chum? Each Alum Chum is expected to write
a new member at least two cards during the semester.
Generally, one is given to congratulate the new member
on joining AOII and to welcome her to AOII life. The
second is given to congratulate the new member when
she is initiated into AOII. Both of these letters should
be encouraging and should share something special about
the alumnae's AOII experience. It is a small time commitment
by the alumnae with immeasurable returns. The new members
feel so special that an AOII who has never met them
cares so much about them.
How are the letters delivered to
the girls? Each alum chum is given the new
members home address, as well as an email address. Encouraging
emails are always welcome, however the two cards must
be hand written and sent by US Mail. We want to keep
the experience personal therefore at least two should
be handwritten.
Are gifts or other items allowed?
Our preference is No. We don't want any new member to
feel less important than another, so we are limiting
it to cards and emails.
What has been the reaction
to the program by the collegians and the alumnae?
The response to this program has been outstanding, from
both the alumnae and the collegians. The new members
truly appreciate it, and the alumnae have a chance to
remember the time when they were a new member and remember
how special AOII is to them.