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NOVA Calendar of Events

Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
Alpha Omicron Pi

2008 - 2009 Calendar of Events

Theme: "Let's Exceed Expectations"

7:00 pm
Come out and tailgate with your sisters!
Symbol: Badge - Join your fellow sisters as we kickoff our 57th year of sisterhood in Northern Virginia. Wear your college shirt or AOII letters and get in the spirit of a year of AOII Alum Fun. Please bring a dish to share.
Location: Nancy Garret's House
Burke, VA

October 23
Paint Your Own Pottery
Color Me Mine, Fairfax We will have a girls night out to paint some pottery and socialize. The cost for this event is $25 per person. This cost includes your piece of pottery, paint, glazing and firing of the piece and our own private party coordinator. We are able to bring our own snacks and drinks in for this event and the party coordinator will set up and clean up for us. Due to the nature of the event, there will be an RSVP required for this event so that we can let the store know how many will attend. Check your email for more details on an RSVP date.
Location: Color Me Mine, Fairfax Corner
Burke, VA

November 12, 2008
7:00 pm
Goody Bags & Sweet Treats
Goodies for GMU GalsWe are once again selling finals goody bags to the parents and women of GMU. This year Mary will be hosting our baking and bag making night. We ask for women to volunteer to bake homemade cookies, brownies, etc. for these bags as well as donate store bought items. We are going to make some items at Mary's and the rest will be pre-made and we will put the bags together at Mary's house. The bags will be delivered to the women at their meeting on the 16th of November.
Location: Mary Munchak's House
Clifton, VA

November 20th
7:00 pm
Fund-raising Night
Burke Centre We are mixing things up a bit this year and instead of our usual auction, we are featuring sisters with their home based businesses! The business owners will be donating a portion of their sales from the evening directly to the chapter. But never fear - Kerry promises the buck-eyes will still be here! We will hold a special silent auction for them so bring your checkbook!!
Location: Commons Community Center
Burke Centre, VA

December 6th
Road Trip to NYC!
Bus Trip Come Aboard! Join us to do some holiday shopping or arrange to see a show in New York City. We are chartering a bus to take our sisters, family and friends up to NYC for a day on the town. We will depart Northern VA at 6am and arrive in NYC around 10:30am. You are on your own for the day. The bus will be leaving NYC around 6pm to return home to Northern VA. Departing area in NOVA will be chosen at a later date.More information for this event will be coming or email Amiee Gold for more information.
Contact: Amiee Gold New York City

December 13th
Celebrate the Holidays with High Tea/strong>
The RitzJoin us for holiday tea at the Ritz in Pentagon City. The Maryland SMAC chapter will also join us. The cost for this event depends on the package you chose - ranging from $30-$50. More information is available from Kerry Ross. Reservations and prepayment is required.
Location: Kerry Ross
Pentagon City Mall

December 16th
More Holiday Fun! Cookie and Ornament Exchange
While you are baking (or buying) your holiday cookies, pack and extra plate and bring them to Helen's house along with a gift wrapped Christmas Ornament. While we enjoy some yummy cookies, we will play a white elephant game with the Christmas ornaments. Everyone will go home with a new ornament for their tree. Remember to bring a container to bring home the cookies from the Cookie Exchange.
Location:Helen's House Arlington

7:00 pm
Cookin' Up Something Good with your sisters
Sur La Table. Pentagon Row in Arlington. We will have a cooking demo and learn to make something new and delicious.
Location:Sur La table Pentagon City, VA

January 27th
Panhellenic Play
- .
Location: TBD

February 19 -
Dinner Out with Sisters

Bertucci's in Springfield
Hostess: Coeli Jones. Please check your email for more information. There will be a per person cost for this event. Bertucci's does a fundraising event with groups and gives us a portion of the profits for the chapter.

Founders Day - February 22, 2009 12pm University of Maryland
Location: UMD

More details to come.

March 26th - Fondue and Elections 7pm Ami Schroder's House

March 28th -Highway Cleanup 9am followed by brunch at Nancy Garret's house

April 23rd Wine Tasting 7pm at Winestyles, Fair Oaks

June 6th - Team AOII Race for the Cure