Senior Citizens, Inc. Guide to Services

Living At Home Services help seniors to remain living independently with supportive resources.

Care Management (In-home assessment, information and referral, connection to programs and services, and advocacy are provided for senior adults.) Madison /Northeast/Donelson 860-7180; Fairgrounds area 743-3415; other areas of Davidson Co. 743-3418; Williamson Co. 376-0102

Victory Over Crime (Seniors who have been victimized by any crime are supported through assessment, connection to services, advocacy, and in-home services.) 743-3417 To volunteer for this program, call 743-3436

Conservatorship (Individuals who are no longer able to make safe and appropriate decisions are assisted through court appointment to receive care and manage finances.) 743-3416

Respite Care/Senior Companions (Volunteers provide breaks for caregivers and visits for individuals who live alone.) Vlunteers are needed to provide this service, and eligible low-income seniors may receive financial assistance for volunteering. 743-3421

Senior Support (Individuals facing life adjustment issues who want to talk about ways to manage change are paired with peers who understand, visit in the home, and offer support and guidance.) Senior adult volunteers are needed as peer counselors. 743-3414

Meals on Wheels (Weekday and weekend hot lunches are delivered to seniors in designated areas of Nashville.). Volunteer meal deliverers are needed on a daily basis.463-2264

Adult Day Services (Individuals with cognitive and physical limitations benefit from structured activities, social interaction, transportation, and nutrition.) Group and individual volunteers are appreciated and needed for one-time and onaoina projects. 463-2266

In-Home notary services 743-3418

SCI Community Volunteer Opportunities

Retired Senior Volunteer Program (Volunteers' interests and skills are matched with community based programs.) 743-3424

Friends Learning in Pairs (FLIP) (Seniors are placed in public schools as mentors and tutors to elementary students who are at-risk academically) 743-- 3422

Foster Grandparents (Low-income seniors receive financial assistance for providing one-on-one relationships and support for special-needs children ) 743-3420

Other Helpful Community Resources

Senior Abuse Hot Line (If you suspect a senior is being abused, a report can he made, anonymously if you wish.) 532-3492 in the Nashville area or toll free 1-888-277-8366

Medicare Hotline 1-800-633-4227

Social Security District Office 1 -800-772-1213

Senior Citizens, Inc. Centers:

College Grove Senior Center P.O. Box 223, College Grove, 37046 368-7093

Donelson Senior Center/Senior Center for the Arts 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville, 37214 883-8375

Northwest Seniors Program Northwest YMCA, 3700 Ashland City Hwy., 248-2272

Knowles Senior Center 174 Rains Ave., Nashville, 37203 743-3400

Madison Station Senior Center 301 Madison St., Madison, 37115 860-7180

The Martin Center 960 Heritage Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 376-0102

Turner Center for Lifelong Learning 8101 Highway 100, Bellevue, TN 37221 646-9622


Inglewood - Meets third Tuesday of month at Madison Station Senior Center - Call 860-7180 for information

Center-Based Services

For center phone numbers, see above.

All SCI Senior centers
Metro Nutrition Program
Transportation Services
Telephone Reassurance

Knowles Senior Center
Support Groups

Madison Senior Center Legal aid
Meals on Wheels
Notary Services