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Boxing4Fitness/Black Belt Karate/Developing Reflexive Speed/Martial Arts Links

Fitness and the Martial Arts

The marriage of martial arts and fitness comes from the natural evolution of both activities. Traditionally, martial arts instructors, while being masters of self-defense, have had little knowledge of muscular anatomy or information about effective techniques for developing physical fitness. Martial artists have been plagued by injuries due to unsafe stretching practices, insufficient warm-up, biomechanically unsound movements, etc. Martial arts training has been hindered as well, by the mythical notion that martial arts training and fitness training are two separate entities to be developed at different times, using different workouts.

As martial arts instructors learn more about basic exercise physiology, biomechanics, and principles of safe training for strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance, their systems of teaching become much more effective and contain a "whole body" approach to developing their students. By using the principles of modern exercise science, instructors can reduce the risk of injury to their students, increase their speed, strength, flexibility and endurance, as well as providing more efficient workouts which combine improving physical capabilities while fine-tuning techniques.

Boxing for Fitness

Boxing, which rides the fine line between sports and martial arts, is an exception to this dilemma found in many traditional martial arts. The evolution of the sport of boxing (sometimes referred to as "the Sweet Science") has brought more attention to effective training methods and scientific principles than other martial arts have received. Because of this, boxers and kickboxers receive a physical conditioning level, specific to their sport, far beyond what one can expect from a traditional martial arts training system.

There has been much debate amongst martial artists about the efficacy of boxing skills versus other martial arts styles. While we must remember that boxers are limited by the rules of their sports and that these limits would become their weaknesses in a real confrontation, we must also respect that any fighter who has been well trained with sound fitness principles in mind, would have greater speed, greater strength and power, and better conditioning to sustain blows. I do not say here that boxing is a more effective martial art for self defense than others. I only note that any martial art which trains with the same conditioning principles that boxers traditionally follow, would have an advantage over those who focus on technique but do not have the physical fitness to sustain the physical effort involved in a real confrontation.

Boxing Aerobics

Just as martial artists gain by seeking knowledge from the ever expanding world of exercise science, so may fitness enthusiasts gain by stepping into the martial arts arena. Workout programs involving boxing, kickboxing and other martial arts techniques are becoming more and more mainstream in the '90's. Boxerobics, Cardio Kickboxing, Aeroboxing and Boxing for Fitness Classes are the latest addition to health club class schedules. These classes provide a full body workout while relieving stress and eliminating the repetitiveness of many other types of aerobics. Additionally, these classes are equally attractive to women and men, and can teach practical self defense skills to their participants bringing meaning to the workout otherwise missing from Step or other aerobic classes.

I am in the process of moving to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments but I cannot guarantee a response.
Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita
Attn: Jeremy McCarthy
Spa and Recreation Manager

I hold a black belt in Tang Soo Do from the World Tang Soo Do Association. I also hold a Black Belt in Hapkido from the International Daemoo Hapkido Association and Apprentice Instructor Certification from Paul Vunak's Progressive Fighting Systems in Jeet Kune Do and Philipino Martial Arts Concepts.

The internet's best on-line Martial Arts e-zine, FIGHT Online, dedicated to realistic self-defense and close quarter street fighting has been on hiatus for a while now. Check back here to see if it is reinstated or e-mail the editor Christopher Benson at

My column on FIGHT Online was entitled, The Fit Fighter. Check it out and let me know what you think!

The Boxing Ring
This Boxing Ring site is owned by Jeremy McCarthy.
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