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even better than the real thing

sunday's game marked the culmination of something that blunt views has been associated with from day one. it was march 1997 when i first wrote the claymores re-wording of the spice girls' wannabe as a bit of a joke, and fourteen months on from then, a version sung by the cheerleaders was playing inside the stadium before kick-off. i'd been told it was going to happen, but when it did and i saw the lyrics up on the big screen, you could still have knocked me over with a pom-pom. that kind of thing doesn't happen, surely?

well, it did and it's the understatement of the century to say that i'm dead chuffed about it. but if i leave it at that, there's not much more to write, and we simply can't have that, can we?

so, what i really (really) want to do in this article, and hopefully not in a vomit-inducing oscars-type way, is to say a few personal thank-yous to the people who made it happen. after i wrote the words, i didn't have too much to do with any of it, if i'm being honest. right from the start, fellow blunthead doug adamson went all-out to plug it to the claymores, even to the extent that we almost ended up having to sing it on stage. that honour eventually fell to bob strachan (who neither of us have heard much from since then). the full story of that chapter of the wannabe a claymore story can be found in a previous article.

this year, doug once again picked up the baton and made the claymores aware of the song after we found out there would be a girl power-themed party. they seemed to like it, with the result that five cheerleaders recorded it the saturday before the barcelona game, for performance on the sunday. they were also good enough to take a few minutes out for some photographs with doug and myself. the five cheerleaders were -
dominique harkins (posh)
jacalyn moffat (sporty)
gillian halliday (scary)
gillian hill (ginger)
lynne summer rose (baby)

thanks must go to them for making such a good job of it, also to scott wilson for arranging the recording, and to the people in the claymores organisation who felt it was worth giving it a go and gave assistance. i could never have imagined that that one small idea could have eventually ended up growing so big.


PS. i hope everyone realises that because we won on sunday, wannabe a claymore is therefore a "lucky charm" for the claymores, and should probably be played at every home game from now on!

Blunt Views is Copyright 1998 of Douglas T. Adamson , Alan Gibson and Levi Ramsey.
With the exception of 'Yes General Manager' which is Copyright Douglas T. Adamson.
If you have any comments about this web site please e-mail the editors at bluntviews@planetenz.com