Next Game
de Chantal (1-0) vs. St. Bernadette
6:15 PM @ Richard Montgomery
Players Arrive: 5:45 PM
Last Game
W, 47-35 vs. St. Peter's
Coaches Info
Chris Olson
Tel: 240.418.3772
Bryan George
Tel: 202.345.6695
St. Jane de Chantal
9525 Old Georgetown Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20814
All games, unless something changes, are to be played at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, MD. RMHS is near the intersection of MD-28 and MD-355 in the heart of Rockville. To map a route from a specific location please click here.
From de Chantal:
- Go North on Old Georgetown Rd. / MD-187
- Turn Left on Rockville Pike / MD-355
- Proceed roughly 2.7 miles on 355
- Turn Left on Richard Montgomery Dr. (just before 355 and 28 intersect)
- The address of the school, even though you can't miss it, is 250
Richard Mont. Dr.