Chipper Jones Discussion Group 

Batter's Circle

Welcome to The Chipper Jones Discussion Group Batter's Circle
This is where you can read and learn about Chipper the player and Chipper the person.

Get Chipper and Braves Late Breaking News!!

Check out my entire, ever-expanding Chipper Card Collection

Can't find Chipper's candy bar in your area? Don't give up; there is always phone order! Get the toll-free number to order the Chipper Bar. And you'll have your order within a week!

Want to find out how Chipper is doing? See RealTime Chipper Stats

So, how has Chipper done on each pitch he has faced this season? Take a look at the Chipper PitchWatch

Where do you want to run to today...

Enter your own comments about CHIPPER JONES

Read what people have said about CHIPPER.

...Third Base CHIPPER ADS
See the advertisements Chipper appeared in for Chris Volvo of Marietta, Georgia, as well as Chipper's ads for Mizuno USA .

Check out Chipper's career record (all the way back to sophomore year of high school), awards, the monthly HOT FACT, and his current contract status.

You can even have your messages posted on CHIPPER CHATTER!
Just click on CHIPPER's Picture below and let me know what you think about the CHIPPER!

You know you want to be a part of the best Chipper chat site there is!

Do you have something to say about


Click his picture and fill out the ALL NEW form or drop me an email and I'll make sure it gets posted on this page!
If your browser is not forms capable, PLEASE use e-mail!
(If the e-mail program does not work with your browser, jot down my e-mail address
and e-mail me later!)

Links to other CHIPPER JONES sites on the Web

Find out how you can get an autographed Chipper baseball, Chipper photo and other great Chipper stuff from SUPERFANS of Norcross, GA.
--by the way, I received a baseball, photo and other Chipper stuff from this company as a Christmas gift from my mom and it was all in excellent can't go wrong with SUPERFANS!

Visit the BRAVES page at FASTBALL . This amazing site has lots of Braves resources as well as a Braves Discussion page!

Check out the ATLANTA BRAVES HOMEPAGE mainitained by the Atlanta Braves Organization.

Where do you want to run off to...

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Chipper Stats, Amazing Facts, and Awards

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This site created and maintained by

Bobby French

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