Jake White - 03/13/00 05:39:50
My URL:web.utk.edu/~jwhite8
My Email:jwhite8@utk.edu
Cool page.
GoalieGirl Too! - 09/10/99 12:49:12
My URL:http://www.goaliegirl.com
My Email:goaliegirl@goaliegirl.com
Hey there, I searched for "goaliegirl" to see if my web page came up, and it did, but I saw your page too. I just thought I'd drop a line to say HI to a fellow "goaliegirl"!
sean - 09/04/99 19:17:20
My URL:http://jesushowlsatmidnight.com
hi. come see Pale Hands Bound at the Creepy Crawl Sept. 21st at 7:30, it'll be rad!
Bryan Jaske - 04/20/99 23:41:00
My Email:bigsexyyeti@webtv.net
I was just surfin' thru lookin' for spacehog stuff and found this site. I don't know if you would appreciate some constructive criticism of your poetry, but I could offer some. Not to sound superior or anything, but I'm in the process of getting my MA i
Rhetoric. If you are really interested in poetry, you should try to get into the University of Iowa-they have an amazing writing program there. I didn't have a chance to go over them in detail, but I think I might. By the way, it's nice to know that t
e teens of today still appreciate a wide variety of music.
Jeff Muscato - 04/03/99 09:57:33
My URL:http://www.jeffmuscato.com
hey Elisa what's up -- well I'm gonna get back to the chat. See ya there.
koston04 - 02/21/99 15:56:05
My Email:koston04@hotmail.com
Hey what's up?
I'm a male skater,snowboarder,and soccer player.
Send me a message!!!!!
Livie - 09/19/98 17:51:25
My URL:/Athens/Parthenon/6304
My Email:captainfreegirl@hotmail.com
Hi there! nice page. good poem, i write poems too. i love soccer and alot of the same music you do.
Roy C. - 09/16/98 06:37:39
My URL:http://openpages.base.org
My Email:idiots@mindless,com
lookin good, dearie. *l*. you should keep up th good work. congrats on your job, and keep playing those sports. you'll be rawkin soon. =c)
Roy C.
Danny B. - 09/08/98 20:34:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/4185/
My Email:pedro1@freewwweb.com
For all who visit web pages...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! It's means a whole lot to the host. If you decide to look at my page, don't make fun of me cuase I like that particular TV Show. Most people would make fun of it. Anyway what can I say. Nice page.
ike my friend said, you got some major posabilities. Keep up the good work
It's your sister again - 09/08/98 17:04:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/4050
My Email:aimless_one@hotmail.com
Hi Lisa. Looks great, better than last time. Only, you need to update the link to my page, stinky, cause I guarantee the one on my page to here works. Also, my page is ~NOT~ geared towards ST anymore, it's for writing now, and general Scifi... Thanks. :P
ater! ~Amy
pouting danny - 08/31/98 08:26:13
My Email:scorgemk@hotmail.com
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
lot left to be done like yore pic ........
site isnt finished yet ......
luv soccer....play soccer.....sleep soccer
Will A. - 08/31/98 07:59:15
My Email:hit men54@ hotmail.com
Very nice page so far but it has some definate possibilities!
Kristen Ruhland - 08/16/98 05:12:21
My Email:ker001@win.com
First of all Amyson may be first but second is the best by far, you big dumb MONKEY!!! I have another mission o' great monkey girl... E-mail me back PLEASE!?!?!? And I mean in 10 Disney seconds young lady or I'll think of something horrible and send it
to everyone. LYLAS! Kisten
Amy Dottttttta - 08/16/98 05:04:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8827/index.html
My Email:aimless_one@hotmail.com
Hey monkey! This is your sister for all the goons who don't know. Your site kicks. It's still a baby-kick maybe, but it kicks. *heeheehee* I'll see ya, and you better sign my guestybook or I'll kick your behind. LYLAS(and I better): Amy-la