Worst Paintball Injuries

Most people think that paintball is a dangers sport. Well I got some news for you, IT'S NOT!!!! I have done some research and I have found that there are fewer broken bones then in football, running, basketball and almost any other outdoor sport. Safety is usually not a problem in paintball. We wear masks and other padding if we want to to protect our selves.

Well the first one just about everyone has heard of and laughed at when it happens to a player. When that stray ball hits you right in the crotch. There is not much pain when you get hit there but it can be a shocker. I have been hit there more then once.

The second worst injury I have heard of is when a guy gets hit in the throat. This is not fun. When you get hit in the throat you need to stay come so your throat does not swell up and you pass out. I have seen this happen to some people. But if don't get hit bad of panic you will probely be good enough to play the next game.

The third worst injury I have seen was when one of my friend got hit in the side of the neck about 5 feet away. He was in pain and had a very big welt. This is a good lesson in being heard and seen while playing paintball. It was his fault for being hit. He should have been calling out hit, hit. But some people think the whole game will stop when they get hit, well they are WRONG!! Don't make this mistake.

The forth worst injury I have ever seen was when a fat guy got hit in the stomach about 1 foot away and got split open. He was bleeding on his shirt but was ok. The good thing was that the player that hit him went over and apologized to him and they both laughed it off. You need to watch it when you shoot a guy close at speeds higher then 240 on the chrono. If you get close to some one and they don't see you, tell them to give up, if they don't light that sucker up.

The fifth and worst injury I have ever heard of was when a guy had a brake in his compressed air tank. He put his finger on the brake. He had a cut on his finger and the air started to fill his arm up with air. His arm was about a foot around. He did the stooped thing. When you ever have a brake in your gun you should put your gun on the ground and tell the people around you that your tank is leaking.

Well the sixth worse injury that i have seen was me. I was playen a maze senario . I had already gotten 2 guys out turned a corner and a guy was ther he hit me right in the knuckle. When the ball hit it blew all the skin off. it bleed alot but didnt hurt much. If you get use to the pain in paintball you will ahve alot more fun. I played the very next round. :)

These are the worst injury I have ever heard of in paintball.

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