Cedar Point

It takes about an hour to get to Cedar Point from Cleveland. When I went the lines were relatively short and there was plenty of time to do everything in one day. For more info, make sure you check out the Official Cedar Point website.

Favorite Cedar Point Coasters

from most to least favorite

1. Raptor
2. Mantis
3. Magnum XL200
4. Mean Streak
5. Disaster Transport
6. Iron Dragon
7. Gemini
8. Corkscrew
9. Wild Cat
10. Cedar Creek Mine Ride
11. Blue Streak

Cedar Point Overall Review

Cedar Point was a HUGE park. It can take a while to walk around, I know my feet were killing me by the end of the day. The only thing wrong with the park layout were that there were a few areas that you had to walk through to get to other places and these areas had nothing but BORING shops! Another thing was that it took me a while to find the beginning of the lines on some of these rides! I think it was hard to find the line on everything but Disaster Transport, Mantis, and Raptor, but it really took me FOREVER to find the lines for Magnum and Mean Streak(maybe I'm slow or something... I dunno!). The employees at Cedar Point seemed very enthusiastic and unusually cheery. They seemed like they were having fun. You could even catch a couple workers taking power naps in the employee section areas of the rides. All in all, I loved Cedar Point, and if I could, I would live there. I will be going back this summer, sometime in July.

Cedar Point's Top Coasters

Oldest: Blue Streak (34yearsold)
Longest: Millenium Force (6,600 feet)
Fastest: Millenium Force (up to 92mph)
Largest Capacity: Cedar Creek Mine Ride (2,400rph)
Tallest Lift Hill: Millenium Force (310feet)
Favorite Non-Coaster Ride: Cedar Downs


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