The board game was traditionally presented by Billy J. Smith to the captain of the winning team at the end of each show, à la Sale of the Century (except that in Sale of the Century only the losers get the board game, along with a stylish 'I lost at Sale of the Century' stickpin from Germani Jewellery, but that's another story). In retrospect it probably would have been more appropriate for IAK to have a similar award system. Produced by Croner Games, the IAK Board Game brought the concept of board games a full-circle... back to tiddly winks. Apparently it was 'Game of the Year' in 1987 (obviously a quiet year in board games), and "All the thrills & skills of TV's action-mad spectacular" is the laughable claim on the box (we don't think that the creators had ever watched an episode of IAK). We love their Disclaimer: "Individual games inside box and game playing procedure are similar in style, but not necessarily identical with, the games featured in the T.V. series". OK OK it wasn't quite up to the quality standard set by, say, 'Test Match' yet it set a degree of realism which has only been only rivalled by 'Hungry Hungry Hippo'. The game is apparently exactly the same as the UK IAK board game, but with Billy J. Smith and Fiona MacDonald's faces covering those of the UK hosts. Only worth getting if you are an IAK freak.
I am an IAK freak. Where can I get one?
Once ubiquitous at board game purveying outlets, the board game is commonly found in Australian bedroom cupboards, and has been sighted in Australian op-shops. Has never been seen on internet auction sites, but may turn up there at some stage. It looks like the best places to look are your Australian friends' houses and in op-shops e.g. the Salvos.
The Instructions, if you are interested
It's a Knockout Board Game
1 Marathon Race Board
1 Scoreboard
4 Games Cards (6 games)
4 Coloured Runners
4 Score Markers
4 Large Tiddlywinks
4 Blow Tubes
4 Joker Cards
6 Small Tiddlywinks
6 Footballs
1 Roller/Ramp
1 Colour Dice
1 Number Dice
2 Scorecard Supports
1 Game 3 Support
(Plastic games components made in Hong Kong)
How to Assemble
First of all slot the scoreboard into the two larger slots (A) in the plastic support pieces and assemble the 4 score markers into the 4 slots, as shown (B). Then assemble the support for Game 3 as shown (C).
The Game Cards are assembled in the smaller slots (D) before each game is played.
For two or more players.
1. Each player throws the scoring dice. The player with the highest score picks the coloured runner of his choice and starts the Marathon Race. Each player then receives one Joker card and a blowtube and large tiddlywink of his colour.
2. Players take turns in a clockwise direction to throw the number dice to play the Marathon. In the event of a player throwing a 6, he then has an extra throw, disregarding the instructions on the sixth space.
3. If a player lands on a square, other than Cannon Balls, which is already occupied, he must move back to the previous square -- or the one behind it if that one is already occupied.
4. All players must carry out the instructions -- if any -- of the square on which they finally land.
5. There are various obstacles around the Marathon race.
(a) Cannon Balls
On landing on a "Cannon Balls" square a player must then choose a red, yellow or green spot, and place his player on this colour. On his next turn, he throws both the number and colour dice. Only if he throws the colour which he has chosen can he move on (according to the score on the number dice).
(b) Greasy Pole and Water Jet
If a player lands on one of the red squares on these obstacles , he must throw a sufficiently high number to carry him past the obstacle.
When a player lands on a Games square, (Game 1, Game 2, etc.) that game is put into position in front of the scoreboard and then played immediately.
The player actually lending on the games square commences the game and the other players follow on, working in a clockwise direction.
Any player has the option of playing his joker (and doubling his score) on that game. The joker cards must be placed in position on the scoreboard when a player selects to play his joker, and can only be used once.
Game One
Each player in turn has six attempts with his large tiddlywink to shoot the small tiddlywinks, through the clown's mouth.
Game Two
Place a ball anywhere in front of the playing area, then, by using the blow-tube, try to blow it through one of the castle entrances to score. Six attempts, but remember to raise the rocks on the card to make scoring more difficult.
Game Three
Locate the playing card in position on its plastic support. Place a ball in the starting point, and holding the control tabs, try rolling the ball into a score hole. Six balls for each player -- highest total score wins. Remember to raise the nails to make scoring more difficult! If the ball falls off, that ball doesn't score.
Game Four
Using the large tiddlywink again, see how high a score each player can make with the six small tiddlywinks. Tiddlywinks on a line score the lower point value. A tiddlywink must be completely inside the treasure chest to score four points.
Game Five
Place the plastic ramp anywhere in front of the goal and a ball in position at the bottom. Using the blow-tube again, each player has six attempts to score. (Hint:- the closer you hold your blow-tube to the ball, the faster and straighter it will go!)
Game Six
Set up the plastic ramp with the slot uppermost, and roll the six tiddlywinks in turn down it. The ramp can be pivoted to aim the tiddlywinks, but to score they must be completely on the pontoons. (You can also vary the distance they will roll by starting your tiddlywink higher or lower on the ramp.)
If none of the players land on a particular Games square, that game is not played, but games can be played more than once. Thus each "It's a Knockout" game can vary in the number and kind of games played.
For two, three or four players, the winner of each game scores four points, the second player three points and so on.
(In the event of more than four people playing, increase the scores accordingly -- e.g. five players five points for the winner, etc., down to one point for the last player; keep the extra players' scores on a piece of paper, and use the large tiddlywinks as coloured runners.)
In the case of players drawing a game, they score the same number of points each, e.g., two winners score four points each, or three seconds three points each and so on.
If a player has played his joker on a particular game, he doubles his point score on that game, whatever his result, e.g. winner scores eight points, second six points, etc.
The joker can only be used once. If a player has not played his joker at the very end of the game (when the last person has passed the Marathon race finishing point) he adds two points to his score.
Points are marked on the scoreboard in the respective coloured columns. Should any player score more than twenty-five points, he starts again at the bottom of the scoreboard and adds twenty-five to his score.
The winner of the Marathon race (the first person to reach the finish) scores eight points, the second six points, the third four points, and the fourth two points. (Increase the total by two points for each additional player over four).
Colours of contents may vary from those illustrated. Individual games inside box and game playing procedure are similar in style, but not necessarily identical with, the games featured in the T.V. series.