The IAK Gallery

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Images presented here are in JPEG format for fast downloading. If you wish to download a higher-quality image, e-mail me for a BMP format image (about 200kb). These pics were made by photographing a TV screen with a primitive digital camera, and are thus of questionable quality (apologies... anyone got a spare frame grabber?). Remember to sign my guestbook, and enjoy!

It's a Knockout -- That's the name of the game. A scene from the end credits. Those background fireworks looked so fake! (They were completely out of scale with the stadium).
Your hosts, Billy J. Smith and Fiona MacDonald! From left to right: Lineslady Ellen, Billy J. Smith, Fiona MacDonald, Combat the dog (seated), Referee Mark Warren, Lineslady Chandelle. Competition: where is the referee's left hand?
The late great Ricky May officiating.
Ricky being ushered in by the 1987 series linesladies, Lana and Elizabeth.
Springwood (Qld.) fans at the stadium. Did they all really come from Qld.? We'll never know...
A check on the state leaderboards at the beginning of the show. In the New South Wales division, Cronulla notched up a big six points from one (first-place) showing, while Newcastle had finished second for each of its first two shows, gaining a respectable eight points. Temora's initial equal last placing gained them one point.
A quick check of the Queensland leaderboard shows Childers blowing away the competition with the maximum possible twelve points from two meetings, representing two first-placings. The other teams stood no chance against this machine.
Fiona MacDonald is dwarfed as she chats with Melbourne City captain Peter Bolton.
Tank Shaggy. A jubilant Michael Naughton from Melbourne City shows his delight at winning the event 'Bumbling Bees' with his Joker. This gained "eight big points" for his team. It is possible to see the text on the screen -- 'Joker - Double Points'.