The IAK Gallery

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The 1987 series ushers out Ellen and Shandell, and ushers in Lana and Elizabeth. Billy J. Smith: "The guys should be happy with that". This is debateable.
Wah! 80's alert!
Warwick Kent of Cronulla 2 on debut. Note the red flag with green handle he is holding.
Victorian fans on their way to getting their IAK badge.
Adelaide City: formidable opponents, preparing for 'Grabit Rabbit'.
Obstacle course 'Grabit Rabbit'. Cabbages in foreground that rabbits had to retrieve and take back to burrow at top of shallow slope.
The writing's on the wall for Jason Donovan.
Ice Hockey: one for all the fans who like slippery events.
'String of Pearls': hazardous.
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