The 1987 series ushers out Ellen and Shandell, and ushers in Lana and Elizabeth. Billy J. Smith: "The guys should be happy with that". This is debateable. |
Wah! 80's alert! |
Warwick Kent of Cronulla 2 on debut. Note the red flag with green handle he is holding. |
Victorian fans on their way to getting their IAK badge. |
Adelaide City: formidable opponents, preparing for 'Grabit Rabbit'. |
Obstacle course 'Grabit Rabbit'. Cabbages in foreground that rabbits had to retrieve and take back to burrow at top of shallow slope. |
The writing's on the wall for Jason Donovan. |
Ice Hockey: one for all the fans who like slippery events. |
'String of Pearls': hazardous. |